Saturday, September 5, 2009

Des'ree's "You Gotta Be"


I heard this song over and over when I first moved to the United States. I was 18, I did not know anyone in the entire continent, and I could not speak the language. Now I think of it, it was either a brave or foolish act. All adults around me warned me that it was impossible - I just did not see it that way. I was 18, just starting to navigate my own life. And to me, everything seemed possible, as long as I try hard to make things work.

一年目は、それはそれは、色濃かったです、いろんな意味で。もちろん、恥ずかしい事も、歯がゆい事も、呆然とする事も、たくさんありました。何もかもが一 からのやり直しで、赤ん坊のように、何をするにも暗中模索でした。それと同時に、どん底にいるからこその、プレッシャーのない開放感もありました。昇る事しかない、どうころんでも、改善するしか道がない。もっとうまく、もっと強く、もっと賢く、もっといろいろと見て感じて理解して、そして、もっと優しくなる。だから、この曲は、まさにぴったりの応援歌でした。今日、偶然に久しぶりに聴いてみると、今の私もこの曲が必要な気がします。

First year was very special. Of course, it was full of embarrassment, frustration, and helplessness. I was like a baby in the new society, not knowing anything, even how to open a bank account. At the same time, I felt this sense of relief coming from being at the bottom. The only way is to go up. I can only improve. I can be better, stronger, tougher, wiser, more experienced and understanding, and kinder. So, this song was a perfect cheer for me back then. Today I re-encountered the song, and I think I need it now as much as back then.

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