Saturday, March 21, 2009

The true natural history museum in Paris

Sorry for writing only in English - I am a bit hectic right now, and being a bilingual writer is too demanding at the moment. But I will come back and put Japanese versions when I find some time, so please stay tuned...

The other day I posted a report on the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution, probably the 'official' main attraction of the complex. All those taxidermied animals marching toward the Noah's ark, yes. (OK, enough repeating, huh?) It was impressive for sure, worth visiting, but what you cannot miss is THE OLD natural history museum on the site.

To avoid confusion, they don't put the word evolution in the name of this museum: les Galeries de Paléontologie et d'Anatomie comparée (the Gallery of Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy). It feels like a mad professor's lab from the 19th century, and probably it is what it is! A huge hall full of skeletons of all sorts of animals... They are lined up in orders all right - but these are arranged with evolutionary relationships in mind.

Do you wonder why panda is called 'cat bear' in Chinese? They don't look similar at all from outside... Well, you look the skeletons of bears and cats next to each other, and you will see the almost identical bone structures.

Seeing them all in one place, it is really impossible not to think that they are related. By the way, Lamarck, who proposed the inheritance of acquired traits (and thought to be wrong by the majority now), was one of the founding curators of the museum. You can imagine him pondering about evolution looking at all those skeletons...

By the way, here you can find something you can see in old biology museums but not in new ones - curiosity items. There were preserved specimens of mutant cats, etc (like the ones with only one eye)...

I wonder if mutant bones throw off scientists in study of evolution. Like they made a clade for one-eyed cat separately, for example. What is the feathered dinosaur was a mutant!? OK, enough wondering and escaping from work...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ロックする科学講演のポスター:Rocking posters for science seminars

大抵の大学の生物学部は、その分野を引っ張っていっている研究者を呼んでセミナーをしてもらう企画を催します。そんなセミナーは、時にはライブ コンサートのように、ずーんと感動を引き起こしてくれたりもします。そして呼ばれた講演者たちも、ロック スターのように歓迎してもらえる事もあるわけです。

Many biology departments invite leaders of the field to give a seminar. Sometimes a seminar can be awe-inspiring and/or blow you away in a way a bit similar to how you get affected by a great live music or artistic performance. And those speakers can be pampered well, sometimes, maybe like rock stars.

ノース キャロライナ大学チャペル ヒル校(マイケル ジョーダンがバスケで名を馳せた学校です)の生物学部では、文字通りロック スター扱いをする模様。ロック コンサートのようなポスターをつくり(電柱などに貼るタイプのですね)大きく宣伝するらしい。なかなかかっこいいポスターです。おもてなしの心意気は、レストランでの会食や空港送り迎えサービス以上にもなり得る訳です。

The biology department at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, is really treating them like rock stars, by making posters resembling the ones for rock concerts. They are very cool. See, hospitality can mean more than a nice dinner and limo service from the airport!

Monday, March 16, 2009

パリ自然史博物館:the Paris Natural History Museum


Situated in the former Royal Medicinal Plant Garden, the natural history museum in Paris is an impressive complex of museums showcasing most aspects of the natural sciences. It has a botanical garden, a small zoo, an anthropological museum, among other things. But perhaps the biggest crowd pleaser might be the two museums featuring exhibitions related to evolutionary biology.

Grande Galerie de l'Évolution(大進化ギャラリー)は、比較的最近改装された、生物の進化、特に動物の多様性に焦点をあてた博物館です。1990年代に改装オープンし、世界で最も有名な自然史博物館の一つです。

The Grande Galerie de l'Évolution (the Grand Gallery of Evolution) is the newly renovated modern presentation of animal diversity and evolution of living organisms. Renovated in the 1990's, it is considered to be one of the best natural history museums in the world.


Though it was odd, a little bit. The animals are arranged in a march resembling one toward Noah's ark. One couple of each kind, in no obvious order related to the evolution...


In fact, the content of this museum has been a subject of hot debates and criticisms from the scientific community. They say that over the years it improved, and now people can learn much about biology there. It is true that the exhibitions upstairs do great jobs explaining genetics and major findings on evolutionary biology from the last couples of decades.

What you cannot miss is the other evolutionary museum on site...!

For more information: go to:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

つくられた美しさ:Image distortion


The cosmetic company Dove made this much talked about video about image distortion in the media. Beauty is often the product of unrealistic manifestation. Stop making young girls chase after perfection they never be able to reach. Well, it is a good point to bring out.

そしてそんなCMをパロディーしたのがこの宣伝。鶏肉会社のフォスター ファームのものです。笑わせてくれました...

And the chicken company Foster Farms made a tasty parody of it. Made me laugh.

Chicken Evolution - Funny bloopers R us

Andrew Bird

Andrew Bird さんはいくつもの楽器を操るシンガー ソング ライターです。クラッシック、ジャズ、フォーク、いろんな種類の音楽を真剣に勉強したらしく、その知識は彼の音楽にうまく使われてにじみ出ています。口笛吹きの腕もなかなか。口笛とバイオリンの使い方がいい味出しているのです。

Andrew Bird is a multi-instrument musician/singer song writer. He has a solid and broad training in many kinds of music (classic, jazz and folk), and his music utilizes all those knowledges. And he is an impressive whistler, too! I like his way of using violin and whistles in his tunes...

これはすごいと思います!ヨーヨー マとの即興演奏。いい曲になってます...

This one is special! He plays a spontaneous session with Yo-Yo Ma. Very nice...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

しあわせはパリの料理教室:Cooking lesson in Paris


One of the events I was VERY looking forward to during the last Paris trip was the cooking lesson from M-san. M-san is the chef, who posts recipes of delicious dishes on this site. She also has another blog, where she reports everyday life in Paris with a dog seen by keen and warm eyes. I have followed these sites for some time now, and I have wanted to take a lesson from her.


We made a 3-course lunch together. The starter was a soup made of sugar radish (?). We cooked it slowly with low heat to bring out the natural sweetness from the ingredient. I ended up not putting much salt, because the veggie's original taste was so nice. It was a perfect mix with the caviar topping!

メインは、ぴちぴちの鯛を焼いたもの。備え付けのフライドポテトや野菜炒めのおいしい作り方もばっちり伝授。魚の三枚おろし、初めてしました。バルサミコ ソースとからめていただきました。とってもおいしかったですよ〜!

The main was grilled red snapper. M-san taught me so many wonderful tips, including how to boil different veggies and how to make crisp French flies! I also learned how to fillet a fish. We had the fish with balsamico source. It was delicious!

そしてデザートはタルト タタン。リンゴをカラメル焼きにして、さくさくのパイ生地の上に。バニラ ソースも手作りです。あああ、なんて美味!

And the dessert was Tarte Tatan. Cooked apple slices with caramel, and put it on top of pie slice. We made the vanilla source, too. Ahhh, heavenly...

Mさんは期待通り、すてきな人、すばらしい先生でした。芯がしっかりしてて自分らしく、かつ自然の条理に逆らわず生きているようで、感心してしまいました。Mさんはこの3月、犬のフレじいくん(かわいかったです)と共に日本に帰国して新たなスタートを迎えます。これからも、いろんな意味でおいしさをみつける生活を楽しんでください。そして、私たちにもそんな生活をときどき分けてください。ブログ再開、楽しみにしています。Bon voyage!

M-san was as special as a person and a teacher as I thought she would be. She knows who she is and lives along with it, while not resisting the natural course of events. She is starting a new life back in Japan this month, with her companion doggy (so cute!). I wish her life with lots of tastefulness to continue in the new chapter of her life. I am so looking forward to reading about it! Bon voyage!

Friday, March 6, 2009

砂漠は唄う:Singing dunes

マルコ ポーロがユーラシア大陸を横断してついには日本にまで来てしまうその途中で、砂漠が歌を歌っていることに気がついたそうです。低波長の、飛行機が飛行中に出す音と似ている、不思議な音。世界で、35カ所ぐらいの砂漠や砂丘で、個々それぞれの音が聞けるそう。島根県でも聞けるそうですよ。

When Marco Polo traveled across the Eurasian continent to the Far East, he noticed that desserts sing. These sounds in low frequencies are apparently similar to the sound flying aircrafts make. There are about 35 desserts or dunes around the world that make its own unique sound. You can hear it in Shimane, Japan, too.


There are some common requirements for sands to make sounds. The size and composition of the sand (e.g. silica content), as well as the humidity. The underlying cause is a hot topic in the physics of complex materials and studied by many labs around the globe. One of such researchers made the video attached below.

When it is very windy, desserts sing on their own. I would love to hear such a song of sands!

Max Bill

Max Bill (1908 – 1994) はいろんなジャンルで活躍したスイス人アーティストです。ありとあらゆる物をデザインし、絵も描き、建物や彫刻も創りました。バウハウスで学んだらしい、シンプルで機能重視のスタンスが明確です。

Max Bill (1908 – 1994) is a Swiss multi-genre artist. He was a designer (of all sorts!), painter, architect, and sculptor. He was educated in the Bauhaus style, and his works reflect the simplicity and function-oriented philosophy of the school.


His works shows additional influences, which are very scientific (especially mathematical and physical). He was inspired by the New Physics, which was coming out in his youth, and he wanted to conceptualize it in the form of arts.


I love his lines - beautiful combinations of curves and straight lines. His furniture is incredible in its form and function. The chair can be stacked to be used as shelf!


And the watches... How can something be so simple and thus beautiful?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

映画 ”紅の豚”:"Porco Rosso"


Actually my favorite Miyazaki movie is "Porco Rosso." This one really is for adults, I think.


Every character is cool, even the airplane mechanic! (laugh) Gina is cool, Fio is cute-cool, and of course, Porco is super cool. (laugh) There are lots of nice lines, too. "A pig is a pig if he doesn't fly." I love the ending theme, too. Gina/Tokiko Kato sings the song so chic!

映画 ”となりのトトロ”:”My Neighbor Totoro”


I saw Totoro with a 4 year-old child of my friend the other day. It has been a really long time (more than 10 years) since I saw it last time. I was completely knocked out by the movie - what a charming and well made (with care for details!) animation it is!


The country side, which is the suburbia of Tokyo as of 50 years ago or so (now covered with concrete and asphalt), so green and warm, and you feel nostalgic even if you don't know any place like that personally. Even a non-Japanese person who has never been to such a place says they feel this special kind of affinity and longing to 'go back' to place like that.

世界中どこでも、子供はトトロが大好きです。”魔女の宅急便”も人気がありますね。この、スタジオ ジブリ マジックは何なのでしょう?大人からも愛されてますし。ジブリ映画は、小さい子をもつ親からとても感謝されています。というのも、ディズニーなどと比べて、何百回とリピートされても苦にならないらしい。日本語の教材としても一品です。例えばこの女の子、かわいい日本語を連発してました。「さんぽ!」「歩こう!」「どんぐり〜!」

Kids love Totoro, as well as Kiki (from "Kiki's Delivery Service'), all over the world. What is it about Miyazaki movies? Even adults like them. My friends who have kids thank Miyazaki for rescuing their life from DIsney movies - they say Miyazaki movies are easier to see 1000 times than other animations. It apparently is the best Japanese lesson kids can have; the little girl I saw it together kept talking to me in Japanese! "Sanpo!" "Arukou!" "Donguri~!"

Sunday, March 1, 2009

映画 "The Linguists"

"The Linguists"は二人の言語学者が消えかけている言語を記録しようと世界中を旅する様を撮ったドキュメンタリー映画です。若手学者の K. David Harrison と Greg Anderson が、世界中で最も危なかったり隔離されたりしている場所に、亡くなりつつある言葉をせめて記録に残すべく繰り出していきます。世界で7000ある言葉のうち、その半分近くに絶滅の危機があるとか。

"The Linguists" is a documentary of two linguistic professors' adventure to record dying languages around the globe. K. David Harrison and Greg Anderson went to some of the most remote and dangerous areas to 'preserve' languages that are en route to extinction. They say 40% of 7000 languages existing today are considered endangered. Every two weeks one is lost forever.


It is a fascinating topic - language is one of my all time interest (I love dialects and feel quite passionate about keeping them alive, for example!). But even for people who are not as thrilled about language raider action as I am, this movie seems to be quite entertaining as an adventure movie with passion and purpose. I like their subtitle: the very foreign language film. (laugh) I really want to see this movie!

この二人の教授たちは消えかけている言語を守るために活動するNGOもつくりました。もっと情報が欲しいか、この活動を援助したい場合は、こちらのリンクへ:The Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages

These profs also founded a non-profit organization for preservation of dying languages. If you want to know more about or contribute to the project, go to: The Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages

リメイクの愉しみ:Stand by Me

この曲を嫌いだという人は少ないと思います。ベン キングさんが最初に歌った『Stand by Me』は私の世代には映画に使われていたから浸透したような気がします。スティーブン キングの書いた短編をもとにした、同名の映画です。ちなみにキングさんはたくさんいるのです。

Probably one of everyone's favorite songs. It's "Stand by Me," originally sang by Ben E. King. It became famous among my generation because of the movie adaptation of the same title, which was based on a novella by Steven King. Yep, it seems that there are many Kings around.


Pretty much every guitar player knows how to sing and play this tune, I think, and so there are millions of covers out there. This one is a compilation of some.

そして、これは外せない!ライオン キングのキャラクターがカヴァーしています。(そう、またキングつながりです。笑)

And you gotta love this version! It's Timon and Pumba from the Lion King. (Yep, another King!)

エッフェル塔:Effel Tower

It's already March! Time flies too fast... We are already done with about 15% of 2008!

By the way, I had a chance to go to Paris for work at the beginning of February. I could enjoy lots of free time over a weekend, and I hope to report about it time to time from now on.

Speaking of Paris, this landmark cannot be missed! Isn't it rather incredible that a chunk of metal can be so beautiful and even give away the feel of being fragile? But it really was beautiful.

The Effel Tower was emitting laser beams, just like light houses. It kind of looks like a scene from end-of-the-world movies... Doesn't this look a bit scary!?