Sunday, July 26, 2009

口パクの極意:The ultimate lip singing

このビデオ知ってますか? The Two Chinese Boys という、美大生の友人二人がふざけて作ったホームビデオなのですが、数年前から出回っているそうです(貼付けてあるのは、2005年作)。私はつい最近発見したのですが、もう、爆笑でした。一気に惚れ込みました。(笑)

Have you seen this video of "The Two Chinese Boys"? I guess it is well known in some circles since a few years back (the video was made in 2005). I just got to know it, and oh boy, I am laughing like crazy watching it!

寮に住んでいるようで、まさにそれらしい部屋で撮影されています。笑えるのは、細かい所もなんです。まさに、ルーム メイトらしい子が、背景で微動だにせずにいるのですが、それとなく参加してるんですよね。だって、お揃いのコスチュームを着てるんだもの...

These boys are art students living in a dorm, where they filmed the video. What makes me smile is the details, too - the roomie who stay completely unaffected in the background - he is wearing the matching costume, too!


I love these silly creativity and energy to make it happen. Look at the great timing of the movement - it is perfect!


Apparently, they have become quite famous in China (and other places over the world). These videos changed their lives, it seems. They have a blog in English, in which they take requests.

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