Saturday, August 22, 2009

Website: Instructable

これはちょっとすごいサイトです。Instructable と呼ばれるこの企画は、インターネットに散在するいろいろな物の”作り方”を集めたページです。これはすごいと思わせる物から、笑わせていれるもの、はたまた、こんな物一生懸命に作っても...、と、疑問になるものまで、あります、あります。ソーラー パワーで動く三輪車、ネズミの剥製、ホースで作った椅子...説明はだいたいどれも分かりやすく書かれていると思います。

This is a great website. Called Instructable, they pool instructions on how to make, well, everything, from homemade ginger ale to solar panel. Some of the projects just make you impressed or laugh at loud. Some you don't believe someone spend some time making it. Solar-powered trike, taxidermy of mouse, and chair made of garden hose. The instructions are clear and well explained in general, I think.


It is worth checking it out, and I hope everyone will take on the challenge of following at least one instruction! To access to the site, please go to:

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