Sunday, May 17, 2009

ヘルシンキの印象:Impression of Helsinki


I had a chance to visit Helsinki, the capital of Finland, in April. I love the design and the transparent feel of the Scandinavia and hope to travel all the countries there. I have always wanted to go to Finland especially. Although it was too short! (only a few days), I enjoyed so much. It was a trip full of great moments... I also felt quite at home and relaxed there. Frankly, I fell in love with the place!!


Even in April, it was pretty cold. Can you see the ice in the sea? (It melted only where the ducks pass! laugh) Overall, it felt like winter to us the foreigners (no green yet, and the sunlight was still faded), but the locals were out and about, enjoying the warm and sunny days. I could almost hear them saying, "What, it is above 2 degree? We've gotta get out there!" I could easily imagine how much they enjoy the summer - and they told me to come back in summer, when you can soak up all Finland can offer! (laugh - and I thought April was great enough!)


Compared to Sweden, Finland was low key in many aspects. Not so shiny, literally and metaphorically. The states of the public transportation vehicles also can tell - at least, its economy is probably in recession. But it could be due to the natural tendencies of the people there. There was a non-capitalistic sense in the air - the feel of being content with what they have already - even at the busiest street of the capital city. On an additional note, there definitely is strong non-Western, exotic elements in the culture. The Russian influence is apparent, of course, but it may also come from the fact that they even speak language that belongs to a different group/tribe than ones of other European languages. (The same one as Hungarian.)

灰色、薄黄色、薄緑、マクドナルド(なぜかそこらじゅうに!ローカルのヘス バーガー、もっとがんばれ〜!)、ピンクの岩と建物、カレワラ(神話です)、アラビア、ムーミン、スオミ(フィンランドの現地での呼び名)、港、半島、東西混合、ブーラ(シナモン ロール)、鮭、コーヒー(薄めでアメリカン風、でも消費量すごし!ヨーロッパ一のコーヒー飲みらしい)、カフェ スオミ(そう、かのかもめ食堂です。おいしかったです)、スメオリンナ島、アカデミア書店、デザイン (アアルト、カイ フランク)、充実の美術館博物館、あったかーい人々

OK, then, the impression of Finland in words:
Gray, pale yellow, pale green, MacDonald (I don't know why, but they were everywhere! I want the local chain Hes Burger to do better!), pink rocks and buildings, Kalewala (mythology), Arabia, Moomin, Suomi (how the locals call their own country), the port, the archipelago, East-meets-West, Vulla (cinnamon roll), salmon, coffee (weak like American coffee, but they drink it a looot! The highest consumption of coffee in Europe, apparently!), Kafe Suomi, Sumeolinna Island, Academia Bookstore, Aalto, Kaj Frank, Amazing art and other museums, incredibly warm people!

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