Sunday, April 5, 2009

Book: Evolution

かの圧倒的な古生物学博物館を観た後、ミュージアム ショップでこの本を見つけました。このうえなくすてきな写真集です。骨格標本を集めていた一階の展示を、ぎゅっと一冊の本にしたような。とてもきれいな写真に溢れ、静かに説得力がある本です。

After seeing the amazing display of the paleontology museum, I came across with this book in the museum store. This is a wonderful coffee table book. It is like a tour through the first floor of the museum in one book! Beautiful and quietly persuasive.


If you like more information about the book, please click the highlight below, which is linked to the page of the book.

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