Saturday, April 25, 2009

TED talk: ダニエル ゴールマン、人情について語る:Daniel Goleman on compassion

ダニエル ゴールマンは、知的能力を計るIQとは別に、人間としての社会的感情の熟成度として emortional IQ を提唱したひとです。もう何十年も多分過剰に信頼されて使われているオリジナルにくらべてまだまだ確立はされていないけれど、面白いコンセプトだと思います。入社試験などで、知性だけでなく感性の度合いをはかるところが増えているようです。

Daniel Goleman proposed 'emotional intelligence,' in parallel to learning and reasoning 'intelligence.' For decades IQ tests have been implemented in many societies with perhaps more than its appropriate share of credibility. On the other hand, EIQ is still new and questioned for its validity. I personally think it is an interesting concept. Maybe it is not really formulated exactly, but we all feel that intelligence comes in more forms than mere capability to process, store, and use information. In the US more companies and public sectors are using EIQ test along with the conventional IQ test to screen for qualified future employees.

彼が2007年にした人間の情についてのTED talk です。慈善や同情といった他人への思いやりは、その人の内側、心の温かさで決まるを思われがちですが、実は、どの位外の事に気づける余裕があるか、につきるようです。気づかないから助けない、気づいたら助ける気も起こる。少なくとも、始まりはそこにあるのでしょうね。

In this talk he presented at the TED meeting in 2007, Goleman talks about how people can feel compassion and what determines it. He suggests that it is not really depend on the warmness of the personality as many would think; rather, it is up to preoccupation on oneself - or the lack there of - that actually seems to determine the difference between good Samaritans and others. If they notice, they help. If they don't, they can completely ignore others in need of help. At least, that's the beginning, I suppose...


I was a little bit surprised by the notion that most homeless people are psychiatric patients with no where to go. Is that the cause or the consequence?

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