Friday, March 6, 2009

砂漠は唄う:Singing dunes

マルコ ポーロがユーラシア大陸を横断してついには日本にまで来てしまうその途中で、砂漠が歌を歌っていることに気がついたそうです。低波長の、飛行機が飛行中に出す音と似ている、不思議な音。世界で、35カ所ぐらいの砂漠や砂丘で、個々それぞれの音が聞けるそう。島根県でも聞けるそうですよ。

When Marco Polo traveled across the Eurasian continent to the Far East, he noticed that desserts sing. These sounds in low frequencies are apparently similar to the sound flying aircrafts make. There are about 35 desserts or dunes around the world that make its own unique sound. You can hear it in Shimane, Japan, too.


There are some common requirements for sands to make sounds. The size and composition of the sand (e.g. silica content), as well as the humidity. The underlying cause is a hot topic in the physics of complex materials and studied by many labs around the globe. One of such researchers made the video attached below.

When it is very windy, desserts sing on their own. I would love to hear such a song of sands!

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