昨今個人のアイデンティティー同然にも扱われてしまう、遺伝子または DNA。それだけではその人は決まらないよ、と、一生物学者としは言わせていただきたい。もちろん、遺伝子型で出る病気や、決まる鼻の形もあるわけですが、大体においてはあくまで青写真。出来上がりは、環境要因、要するに、その人の人となりによる所が大きいのです。
Nowdays genes or DNA is considered equal to personal identity. As a biologist, I cannot help wanting to tell that it does not determine who you are. Of course, certain genes are strong; there are diseases completely defined by a specific mutation, as well as some shapes of human nose defined by a version of a gene. But in general, they are only blueprints. The final product depends as much on the nurture, as the nature.
それにしても、これは面白いアイデアではあります。DNA11 というチームが、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)を通して販売しているこのアートワークは、あなたの自画像を DNA で描く、というもの。約6万円でのキットを買うと、そこにある綿棒で唾液をひと拭いして会社に送ります。4−6週間後、あなたのDNA を泳動で流したパターンが、ポスターとなって届きます。これ、見慣れている私たちにとっては、アートというほどきれいな物ではないように思うのですが、どうでしょう?
Still, this is an interesting idea. A company called DNA11 sells this product through the MoMA Store, and it is a self portrait of a customer in the form of DNA. When you purchase the kit (which costs 550 USD), you get a swab to extract some of your saliva. Then you send it to the company, and they extract your DNA, amplify, and fragment it. Everyone's DNA is a bit different and makes different kinds of fragments. That's how you - the unique, one and only you - are drawn. You will receive a poster of your DNA fragments in 4-6 weeks. Well, to us, someone who see this kind of pictures all the time, they don't look particularly beautiful to the point of becoming an artwork. But what do you think?
興味のある方は、こちらからどうぞ:MoMA Store, DNA 自画像 ポスター
If you are interested, please check out from here: Framed DNA Print by MoMA Store
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Website: Instructable
これはちょっとすごいサイトです。Instructable と呼ばれるこの企画は、インターネットに散在するいろいろな物の”作り方”を集めたページです。これはすごいと思わせる物から、笑わせていれるもの、はたまた、こんな物一生懸命に作っても...、と、疑問になるものまで、あります、あります。ソーラー パワーで動く三輪車、ネズミの剥製、ホースで作った椅子...説明はだいたいどれも分かりやすく書かれていると思います。
This is a great website. Called Instructable, they pool instructions on how to make, well, everything, from homemade ginger ale to solar panel. Some of the projects just make you impressed or laugh at loud. Some you don't believe someone spend some time making it. Solar-powered trike, taxidermy of mouse, and chair made of garden hose. The instructions are clear and well explained in general, I think.
It is worth checking it out, and I hope everyone will take on the challenge of following at least one instruction! To access to the site, please go to: http://www.instructables.com
This is a great website. Called Instructable, they pool instructions on how to make, well, everything, from homemade ginger ale to solar panel. Some of the projects just make you impressed or laugh at loud. Some you don't believe someone spend some time making it. Solar-powered trike, taxidermy of mouse, and chair made of garden hose. The instructions are clear and well explained in general, I think.
It is worth checking it out, and I hope everyone will take on the challenge of following at least one instruction! To access to the site, please go to: http://www.instructables.com
Thursday, August 20, 2009
VW の シンクロ コマーシャル: VW synchronization CM
この CM は、フォルクス ワーゲンが2000年に(カセットですよ、懐かしいなあ)、ジェッタ用に作った物です。初めて見たときから、いいな、と思いました。街の風景が、車の中のリズムとシンクロする、というものです。うまい!
This is a commercial of VW Jetta from 2000 (look at the cassette player!). I was taken by it form the first time I saw it. The scenes from the street synchronizing with rhythms inside the car. Very effective!
ちなみに、これは ハリケーン カトリーナに襲撃される前の ニュー オーリンズで撮られました。こんな風に、街のあるときの姿が保存される、というのもいいですね。
By the way, this was shot in New Orleans before Katrina. It is nice to see how the city before the unfortunate incident is preserved this way.
This is a commercial of VW Jetta from 2000 (look at the cassette player!). I was taken by it form the first time I saw it. The scenes from the street synchronizing with rhythms inside the car. Very effective!
ちなみに、これは ハリケーン カトリーナに襲撃される前の ニュー オーリンズで撮られました。こんな風に、街のあるときの姿が保存される、というのもいいですね。
By the way, this was shot in New Orleans before Katrina. It is nice to see how the city before the unfortunate incident is preserved this way.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
T-shirts from Isotope Design
4人組のデザイン チーム、 Isotope Design は 幾何学、自然界、科学図解などをモチーフに、数々のシルクスクリーンの まじめにかっこいい T−シャツ を生み出しています。かなりつぼにはまってしまい、もしかしたらいつも T−シャツ を着る女になってしまうかもしれません。(笑)いい感じに、科学とアートが交わっているのですよ。
The Isotope Design is a 4-people team of designing graphic and/or scientific T-shirts, and they are amazing!!! They are making me wear T-shirt all the time from now on. Their materials and ideas come from nature, signs, scientific diagrams, maps, and so on, and it's just tastefully geeky and artsy.
Barley to Beer - explained - T-shirt.
Atom Geometry T-shirt.
Mushroom Diversity T-shirt.
Time-to-Read in Dutch T-shirt.
Die Bahn German Train Route Map T-shirt.
You can buy their T-shirts through Etsy or Bubbletees.com.
The Isotope Design is a 4-people team of designing graphic and/or scientific T-shirts, and they are amazing!!! They are making me wear T-shirt all the time from now on. Their materials and ideas come from nature, signs, scientific diagrams, maps, and so on, and it's just tastefully geeky and artsy.
Barley to Beer - explained - T-shirt.
Atom Geometry T-shirt.
Mushroom Diversity T-shirt.
Time-to-Read in Dutch T-shirt.
Die Bahn German Train Route Map T-shirt.
You can buy their T-shirts through Etsy or Bubbletees.com.
Erica Weiner's jewelry
Erica Weiner さんは、手作りで自然やノスタルジックな物を題材にアクセサリーを作るデザイナーです。貴金属を使わず、それゆえ割とお手軽に手に入るのがうれしいです。はっとするほど大きくて精巧な昆虫を首から下げてみるのも、いかかでしょう?
Erica Weiner is a NY-based jewelry designer. She gets inspirations from natural world and nostalgic eras. Using copper and brass, as well as other semi-precious materials, the prices don't hit too hard on our wallet. It's nice to hang a big and so finely recreated bees and grasshoppers down your neck once in a while, isn't it?
To purchase some of these beautiful pieces and others, go to: http://www.ericaweiner.com/
Erica Weiner is a NY-based jewelry designer. She gets inspirations from natural world and nostalgic eras. Using copper and brass, as well as other semi-precious materials, the prices don't hit too hard on our wallet. It's nice to hang a big and so finely recreated bees and grasshoppers down your neck once in a while, isn't it?
To purchase some of these beautiful pieces and others, go to: http://www.ericaweiner.com/
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Niche Modern's lamps
Jeremy Pyles と Mary Welch は、夫婦でランプデザインをしているチームです。Niche Modern という照明器具の会社に、すてきなシリーズを提供しています。
Jeremy Pyles and Mary Welch are a husband-and-wife team of light fixture designers. They designed a beautiful series of ceiling lamps for Niche Modern.
Stamen Saphire.
Sola chandelier.
Jeremy Pyles and Mary Welch are a husband-and-wife team of light fixture designers. They designed a beautiful series of ceiling lamps for Niche Modern.
Stamen Saphire.
Sola chandelier.
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