Nowdays genes or DNA is considered equal to personal identity. As a biologist, I cannot help wanting to tell that it does not determine who you are. Of course, certain genes are strong; there are diseases completely defined by a specific mutation, as well as some shapes of human nose defined by a version of a gene. But in general, they are only blueprints. The final product depends as much on the nurture, as the nature.
それにしても、これは面白いアイデアではあります。DNA11 というチームが、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)を通して販売しているこのアートワークは、あなたの自画像を DNA で描く、というもの。約6万円でのキットを買うと、そこにある綿棒で唾液をひと拭いして会社に送ります。4−6週間後、あなたのDNA を泳動で流したパターンが、ポスターとなって届きます。これ、見慣れている私たちにとっては、アートというほどきれいな物ではないように思うのですが、どうでしょう?
Still, this is an interesting idea. A company called DNA11 sells this product through the MoMA Store, and it is a self portrait of a customer in the form of DNA. When you purchase the kit (which costs 550 USD), you get a swab to extract some of your saliva. Then you send it to the company, and they extract your DNA, amplify, and fragment it. Everyone's DNA is a bit different and makes different kinds of fragments. That's how you - the unique, one and only you - are drawn. You will receive a poster of your DNA fragments in 4-6 weeks. Well, to us, someone who see this kind of pictures all the time, they don't look particularly beautiful to the point of becoming an artwork. But what do you think?

興味のある方は、こちらからどうぞ:MoMA Store, DNA 自画像 ポスター
If you are interested, please check out from here: Framed DNA Print by MoMA Store