俳優や有名人に黄色い声を上げる(って、死語ですか?)ことはそんなにないのですが、Heath Ledger 君には思いきりはまっていました。繊細さと男らしさがうまく混ざっていて独特の雰囲気なのに、おふざけから真剣なものどんな役柄もすっぽり入り込んでこなしてしまう。いつも彼の次の映画を楽しみにしていましたが、去年の一月、28歳の若さでの早すぎる死をニュースで聞く事になりました。
I don't often become obsessed with actors and celebrities and so forth, but I was a fan of Heath Ledger. He had this sensitive yet masculine mood, which was so distinctive. Yet he could slip into any role, silly to serious, like his own skin. I was always looking forward to his next film. Then I saw the news on his too early death at age of 28 last January.

Yesterday he won Academy Award. I guess this was one way his talent could be recognized. I still miss the presence of him in the movie world!

ところで、わたしは Michelle Williams と一緒にいる彼がとても好きでした。カップルのファンって、変ですよねえ。(笑)あの二人、なんだかとってもかわいらしかったのです。両方とも、俳優さんとして大好きだし。(彼女の新作、『Wendy and Lucy』早く観たい...)
By the way, I liked seeing him with the mother of his child Michelle Williams. Isn't it a bit odd to be a fan of a couple? I thought they were very cute together. And I like both of them as actors! (Want to see her new film "Wendy and Lucy" very much...)