12月のある雪の日、近くにあるアート スクールが、即席で庭に作品を創りました。色が変えられるスポットライトを、雪に覆われた木々に照らしたのです。なかなかの効果でした。紫、青、黄色に緑の光が反射して、春の新緑か満開の花のようでした。シンプルな発想だけど、すばらしいできばえ!

It is snowing again. The day is getting longer and longer, but it is still pretty cold!
On a snowy day in December, a neighborhood art school made a spontaneous work outdoor. They put multicolor light in the garden and projected onto trees covered with snow. The result was pretty amazing; purple, blue, yellow, and green, the trees looked like they were in spring or flowering! Simple idea, great effects!

1 comment:
As it seemed to me a special day, the air was clear, the sky was cold, and the snow storm crystalized on every branches from the night before .
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