I am listening to their tunes lately. The Blow is from Portland, Oregon.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
ミラノ家具デザイン見本市:iSaloni 2008 (2)
Of course you can see and try out the classic designs from the major furniture makers...

まずはArtek。そう、フィンランド デザインの父 Alvar Aalto が愛妻と共に立ち上げた老舗の家具デザインのお店です。
First of all, Artek from Finland! Yes, the firm established by Alvar Aalto and his wife Eino... Simple idea to stack up the stools, and it works so well.

This is the booth set up by a company dealing Tornet's bent wood chair. White chairs look so great in the vivid orange background!

それから、Vitra。イームズ等がデザインした家具をヨーロッパで造っている会社です。かっこいいミッド センチュリー デザインがたくさん...写っている時計は George Nelson のもの。
And this is from Vitra, the European manufacturer of Eames furniture, among other things. Wonderful Mid century designs... The clocks are by George Nelson.
Of course you can see and try out the classic designs from the major furniture makers...

まずはArtek。そう、フィンランド デザインの父 Alvar Aalto が愛妻と共に立ち上げた老舗の家具デザインのお店です。
First of all, Artek from Finland! Yes, the firm established by Alvar Aalto and his wife Eino... Simple idea to stack up the stools, and it works so well.

This is the booth set up by a company dealing Tornet's bent wood chair. White chairs look so great in the vivid orange background!

それから、Vitra。イームズ等がデザインした家具をヨーロッパで造っている会社です。かっこいいミッド センチュリー デザインがたくさん...写っている時計は George Nelson のもの。
And this is from Vitra, the European manufacturer of Eames furniture, among other things. Wonderful Mid century designs... The clocks are by George Nelson.
ミラノ家具デザイン見本市:iSaloni 2008

This week the biggest furniture design event is happening in Milano. The most major furniture companies have booths to attract clients there - it is so large that you can walk around for days and still cannot cover everything.

It is meant for people in business, but on Sunday the 26th, it is open to the public. I really wanted to go, but unfortunately, I have to miss it this year.

Last year I was there, and I had a blast. I could try sitting on sofas and chairs, most of which I only knew from pictures before.

In the next a couple of posts, I would like to go over some pictures I took there...
TED talk: ダニエル ゴールマン、人情について語る:Daniel Goleman on compassion
ダニエル ゴールマンは、知的能力を計るIQとは別に、人間としての社会的感情の熟成度として emortional IQ を提唱したひとです。もう何十年も多分過剰に信頼されて使われているオリジナルにくらべてまだまだ確立はされていないけれど、面白いコンセプトだと思います。入社試験などで、知性だけでなく感性の度合いをはかるところが増えているようです。
Daniel Goleman proposed 'emotional intelligence,' in parallel to learning and reasoning 'intelligence.' For decades IQ tests have been implemented in many societies with perhaps more than its appropriate share of credibility. On the other hand, EIQ is still new and questioned for its validity. I personally think it is an interesting concept. Maybe it is not really formulated exactly, but we all feel that intelligence comes in more forms than mere capability to process, store, and use information. In the US more companies and public sectors are using EIQ test along with the conventional IQ test to screen for qualified future employees.
彼が2007年にした人間の情についてのTED talk です。慈善や同情といった他人への思いやりは、その人の内側、心の温かさで決まるを思われがちですが、実は、どの位外の事に気づける余裕があるか、につきるようです。気づかないから助けない、気づいたら助ける気も起こる。少なくとも、始まりはそこにあるのでしょうね。
In this talk he presented at the TED meeting in 2007, Goleman talks about how people can feel compassion and what determines it. He suggests that it is not really depend on the warmness of the personality as many would think; rather, it is up to preoccupation on oneself - or the lack there of - that actually seems to determine the difference between good Samaritans and others. If they notice, they help. If they don't, they can completely ignore others in need of help. At least, that's the beginning, I suppose...
I was a little bit surprised by the notion that most homeless people are psychiatric patients with no where to go. Is that the cause or the consequence?
Daniel Goleman proposed 'emotional intelligence,' in parallel to learning and reasoning 'intelligence.' For decades IQ tests have been implemented in many societies with perhaps more than its appropriate share of credibility. On the other hand, EIQ is still new and questioned for its validity. I personally think it is an interesting concept. Maybe it is not really formulated exactly, but we all feel that intelligence comes in more forms than mere capability to process, store, and use information. In the US more companies and public sectors are using EIQ test along with the conventional IQ test to screen for qualified future employees.
彼が2007年にした人間の情についてのTED talk です。慈善や同情といった他人への思いやりは、その人の内側、心の温かさで決まるを思われがちですが、実は、どの位外の事に気づける余裕があるか、につきるようです。気づかないから助けない、気づいたら助ける気も起こる。少なくとも、始まりはそこにあるのでしょうね。
In this talk he presented at the TED meeting in 2007, Goleman talks about how people can feel compassion and what determines it. He suggests that it is not really depend on the warmness of the personality as many would think; rather, it is up to preoccupation on oneself - or the lack there of - that actually seems to determine the difference between good Samaritans and others. If they notice, they help. If they don't, they can completely ignore others in need of help. At least, that's the beginning, I suppose...
I was a little bit surprised by the notion that most homeless people are psychiatric patients with no where to go. Is that the cause or the consequence?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
空飛ぶペンギン:Flying penguins
Don't you know there is a penguin species, which can fly? Yeah, a flying birds among birds which cannot fly? BBC reports.
Well, that's another April Fool's day commercial from BBC. This one was shown in 2008. They have great tradition for this day of a year. Well done indeed! Here is a making video to go with it...
Don't you know there is a penguin species, which can fly? Yeah, a flying birds among birds which cannot fly? BBC reports.
Well, that's another April Fool's day commercial from BBC. This one was shown in 2008. They have great tradition for this day of a year. Well done indeed! Here is a making video to go with it...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
槇原敬之の ”遠く遠く”:Makihara's "Far Far Away (Toku-Toku)"
When I think of cherry blossoms and the beginning and ending of things it presents, I remember this song. I listen to it a lot in high school days, first few years away from my home and home town. It was released again in 2006 in a new arrangement. I like both versions.
When I think of cherry blossoms and the beginning and ending of things it presents, I remember this song. I listen to it a lot in high school days, first few years away from my home and home town. It was released again in 2006 in a new arrangement. I like both versions.
サクラサク:Cherry blossom

いやあ、日本の春って、本当にいいものですね。新しい何かが弾け出てくるような新鮮さと言うか、初々しさがあります。新緑と共にフレッシュ スタートをきり、自然と同調して暮らしているのですよね。
Japanese spring is special. It is a time of fresh starts. New appointments or school years start on April 1st. People are living in annual cycles similar to those of plants and others in nature.

Cherry blossom is the symbol of such starts (and ends, perhaps, because of falling of the petals). In most places cherries flower in late March or early April, just about when people close or open one chapter of their lives. You can find many of them in school yards and along the river, etc.

In the heights of the bloom, people go for a special kind of picnics called "HANAMI (literally, 'flower watch')." It has become rather an excuse to get full and drunk than anything else, but the tradition can be nice. You can do it either during day or night. Cherry blossom at night is particularly beautiful.
窓ガラスの模様:Old glass patterns

I live in a very old building, which is perhaps 300-400 years old. Most parts are not original, I don’t think, but I can find some historical elements here and there. This window in the hallway is one of them. The glass is of a nostalgic kind; it is thick and uneven, and you can see some swirls and air bubbles inside. It passes light in an unique manner as well. One morning with a very strong light, I saw this beautiful pattern made through the glass on the wall.

ある日の風景:One day's scene
Saturday, April 18, 2009
映画「おくりびと」:The Departures
The other day I saw "OKURIBITO (The Departures)." Yes, the one which got the Oscar for the foreign film category this year. I liked so many aspects of this movie. By the way, I was a bit surprised by the reactions of people against the occupation. Is it so bad really? I heard, though, that since this movie came out, people working in the funeral industry are happier with their jobs! (laugh)
By the way, the actor who played the main character used to be a teen idol in Japan. I hadn't seen him for so long, but he does not age...! Also, I loved the building of the NK Agent company. I wish I could live in a house like that!
The other day I saw "OKURIBITO (The Departures)." Yes, the one which got the Oscar for the foreign film category this year. I liked so many aspects of this movie. By the way, I was a bit surprised by the reactions of people against the occupation. Is it so bad really? I heard, though, that since this movie came out, people working in the funeral industry are happier with their jobs! (laugh)
By the way, the actor who played the main character used to be a teen idol in Japan. I hadn't seen him for so long, but he does not age...! Also, I loved the building of the NK Agent company. I wish I could live in a house like that!
Monday, April 13, 2009
研究ネットワーク地図:Map of research networks
A study was done to show the connections of different research activities. The authors looked at the cross references among publications in most social and natural sciences, as well as humanities. It is interesting to see that the humanities come in the center surrounded by the sciences. There seem to have some connection between the two cultures. For example, what is the connection between organic chemistry and international studies...?
A study was done to show the connections of different research activities. The authors looked at the cross references among publications in most social and natural sciences, as well as humanities. It is interesting to see that the humanities come in the center surrounded by the sciences. There seem to have some connection between the two cultures. For example, what is the connection between organic chemistry and international studies...?

スパゲティーの木:Spaghetti trees
The spaghetti crop in 1957 was particularly rich in Ticino, the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. Enjoy the images of happy farmers harvesting never ending fruit of spaghetti from trees. It is a BBC report.
なんちゃって、エイプリル フールの企画だったそうですが...なかなか良く出来てます。
Well, it was an April-Fool's Day joke, it turned out. But it is pretty well-done, isn't it?
The spaghetti crop in 1957 was particularly rich in Ticino, the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. Enjoy the images of happy farmers harvesting never ending fruit of spaghetti from trees. It is a BBC report.
なんちゃって、エイプリル フールの企画だったそうですが...なかなか良く出来てます。
Well, it was an April-Fool's Day joke, it turned out. But it is pretty well-done, isn't it?
ショートフィルム : Short film,
空飛ぶホステル:Flying hostel

Jumbo Hostel は本物の(ボーイング747型200系)ジャンボ ジェットです。スウェーデンはストックホルム近郊のアーランダ空港に放置されていたのを、ホステルに改装されました。なんとチェックイン カウンターまで歩いて15分!朝早いフライトの人にぴったりです。
The Jumbo Hostel is a real aircraft (Boing 747-200 made in 1976) converted into a hostel. The plane was deserted near Arlanda airport near Stockholm in Sweden, and one day a bunch of bright minds transformed it into a great accommodation for people who booked early morning flights. It is only 15min walk from the check-in counters, apparently!

There are dorm rooms (quite reasonably priced), as well as the cockpit suite (not so reasonably priced). Next time I visit Sweden, I think I am going to have to stay near the airport the night before!

For more information, go to: the Jumbo Hostel web page.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Simpsons の切手:The holy-cow stamps

USPS (アメリカ合衆国郵便局)から、新しい切手が発売されました。The Simpsonsのがらです。
A new set of stamps have just came out in the US. They feature characters from the Simpsons! My favorite cartoon!

By the way, the postal cost is inflating like crazy... If I remember correct, it was only 32 cents to send a domestic mail 3 years ago. Now it is 44 cents??

Sunday, April 5, 2009
リメイクの愉しみ:Compare and Contrast: "American Pie"
Don Mclean’s ”American Pie” は、1971年にリリースされた、余りにも有名なフォークソングです。歌詞の意味は分からないけれどさびの部分をついつい唄ってしまう、という人がよくいますね。曖昧な引用が多いためか、この曲の歌詞にはいろいろな解釈があるようです。作曲者自身どれが彼の意図した物かを公表していない事もあり、その謎は深まるばかり...このビデオでは、一番支持の多い解釈を教えてくれます。っと、思っていたら、この動画は取り除かれていたようです。それでは、代わりのこちらを。
この曲のリメイクはやっぱりたくさんあるわけですが、個人的にはこの Madonna のバージョンが気に入っています。2000年リリース。ダンス ミュージックっぽくアレンジされています。それにしても、熟女でありながらビデオの最初でプロム クイーンに扮しているマドンナさん、ちょっと無理があるように感じちゃうのはわたしだけですか?
Don Mclean’s ”American Pie” は、1971年にリリースされた、余りにも有名なフォークソングです。歌詞の意味は分からないけれどさびの部分をついつい唄ってしまう、という人がよくいますね。曖昧な引用が多いためか、この曲の歌詞にはいろいろな解釈があるようです。作曲者自身どれが彼の意図した物かを公表していない事もあり、その謎は深まるばかり...このビデオでは、一番支持の多い解釈を教えてくれます。っと、思っていたら、この動画は取り除かれていたようです。それでは、代わりのこちらを。
この曲のリメイクはやっぱりたくさんあるわけですが、個人的にはこの Madonna のバージョンが気に入っています。2000年リリース。ダンス ミュージックっぽくアレンジされています。それにしても、熟女でありながらビデオの最初でプロム クイーンに扮しているマドンナさん、ちょっと無理があるように感じちゃうのはわたしだけですか?
Book: Evolution

かの圧倒的な古生物学博物館を観た後、ミュージアム ショップでこの本を見つけました。このうえなくすてきな写真集です。骨格標本を集めていた一階の展示を、ぎゅっと一冊の本にしたような。とてもきれいな写真に溢れ、静かに説得力がある本です。
After seeing the amazing display of the paleontology museum, I came across with this book in the museum store. This is a wonderful coffee table book. It is like a tour through the first floor of the museum in one book! Beautiful and quietly persuasive.
If you like more information about the book, please click the highlight below, which is linked to the Amazon.com page of the book.
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