Dreams Come True is a J-POP band. They have been around for a really long time (over 20 years?). It's nice to see familiar and friendly faces in the music scene for so long - it proves how popular they are, which is not so surprising given how up-lifting and relatable their songs tend to be.
This song hit me deep when I heard it first time. The title means something like "Go on," "Even further," or "Go further." Can't pick one the most appropriate, so you get the feeling, please.
Monday, March 1, 2010
USB キー キー:Key USB Key

LaCie 社が出している鍵(キー)の形をした、USB キー(スティック、ともいいますか?)です。好きなんです、こういう、だじゃれみたいなデザイン...
Key-shaped USB keys from LaCie. I love this kind of designs based on humor and word play!

But it is not only the appearance. You take it everywhere with your keys, so no more losing-data-because-you-forgot-your-key! Form and function, and extra!
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Diatoms are microscopic creatures (actually, algae) swimming around in pretty much any type of water environment. They are unicellular and appear simple from far, but up-close under microscope, they show the most intricate and beautiful geometrical patterns. They have shells made of silica glass, which are just breathtaking.

こちらは、以前紹介した、エルンスト ヘッケル による珪藻のスケッチ。
This is a sketch of diatoms made by Ernst Haeckel, whom I mentioned in a previous post.

Although when overcrowded they cause the red-tide problem, they are important primary chain organisms that feed all sorts of animals in water. They are also very tough and can take worst extreme environments. Not just pretty face!
Friday, October 2, 2009
新しい付け髭の形:Pick your mustache mugs

I just love these bugs. I would choose one depending on the mood of the day. Of course, you need different mustache on different days!

Peter Bruegger さんが、ロンドン デザイン ウィークで発表したそうです。
Designed by Peter Bruegger, just arrived during the London Design Week.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Chanel CM with Nicole Kidman
これは、2005年のクリスマスに流れていた、Chanel No.5(香水です)のコマーシャルです。その芸術度の高さから、コマーシャル、というよりは、ショート フィルムのようですね。よくあるような話の展開かもしれないですが(ローマの休日そのままです)、でも、そのためでしょう、シーンが飛んでも、言葉が少なくても、何が起こっているのかはよくわかります。
This is a commercial for Chanel No.5 perfume form Christmas a few years back. It is so artistic that I take it more as a short film. Perhaps not the most original story line (one version of the Roman Holiday plot), but maybe because of it, viewers understand it quickly and with so few words.
ニコール キッドマンはもう、ため息が出るほどきれいだし、相手の男役を努めたブラジルの役者、ロドリゴ サントロもなかなか存在感があります。
Nicole Kidman is stunning, and the young guy who falls in love with the Kidman character is played by a Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro. He also has a pretty nice presence.
For whom want to know more about the film/CM, here is the making of. It was a huge artistic project!
ショートフィルム : Short film
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
素敵な英語作文の教本: "Elements of Style"

”The Elements of Style(スタイルの要素)”、という本をご存知ですか?スタイル、といっても、ファッションについて綴ってあるわけではありません。これ、かなり古典的な、英作文のルールを記した本なのです。(英文の書き方の事を、’スタイル’ と呼ぶ事もあるのです。)作者の一人、E.B. White は、”シャーロットのおくりもの” などを書いた作家です。彼が自分の大学時の英作文の先生と一緒に、最も大切な英作文のルールを書き記したのがこの薄っぺらい本です。一番大切なルールは、「出来るだけ少ない語数で、使えるべきことを伝える事」。それにのっとり、彼らの記述はストレートかつ簡潔です。

Do you know "The Elements of Style" by W. Strunk and E.B. White? It is a book, but not one on fashion. It is a classic rule book on how to (or how not to) write in English. E.B. White is a well known writer, who wrote works like "Charlotte's Web." He made this rather thin, condensed book with his former writing teacher. It is straight to the point, following the most important rule of the book: you should use as few words as necessary to convey your message.


It is a classic book, which means old (published first in 1918), and many disagree with rules mentioned in the book today. But the conciseness rule holds pretty well. I always try to meet that requirement when I write in English... Well, I do try, you know...

個人的には、数年前に発売されたイラストレーション付きが、お勧めです。素敵な イラストレーター Maira Kalman さんが、カラフルでかわいらしいイラストを、いろいろな例文にそって本中に散りばめてくれました。彼女については、そのうちにポストを書くつもりなのですが、興味かあったらサイトをお訪ねください。彼女の参加によって、本が堅苦しさをなくして、もっともっとユーモラスになったような気がします。
I particularly like the version accompanied by the illustrations by Maira Kalman. She is an amazing illustrator, whom I will surely introduce in future post (but if you are interested, please check out her website!). The book became much more whimsical and humorous with her lovely and colorful paintings.
素粒子の描く弧:Curves of particles

科学の観察記録の中には、息をのむほど美しいものがあります。例えば、これ。バブル チェンバーという装置の中でみられる、原子よりも小さな粒子の動きを収めたもの。

Scientific data can be breathtakingly beautiful. Take a look of these pictures - they are the tracks that sub-atomic particles take in a experiments inside something called bubble chamber.

そんな、パーティクル トラックに惹かれるのは私だけではないようです。オルターニティブ バンドの CD のジャケットになってたりしますからねえ。

I am not the only one who is mesmerized by these data - I have seen them being used for CD jackets, etc.
Friday, September 25, 2009
バーゼル中央駅:Basel main train station
Rail traveling in Europe is special. Although in recent years, so-called air taxis or discount airlines are changing the scenes, traditionally people traveled around the continent in trains. And so the train stations have some air of the hub in the city, town, or village.
This might be particularly true in Switzerland, where the people take a huge pride in their punctual and clean rail system.
Here are some pictures from the Basel station - particularly the old bits of it. I like the understated decoration and beautiful wooden beams.
By the way, there are two 'main' train stations in Basel. The city lies on the borders between Switzerland, Germany, and France. One is located in the German area, and another is shared by the Swiss and French quarters. The pics were taken from the latter.
お勧めフリーマーケット:Flea Market: Elephant's Trunk
One thing I really enjoyed while living in on the East Coast (esp. New England) was checking out flea or antique markets. It is the region with relatively long history within the country with short history, and people seem to embrace old things in many ways.

My favorite was this one called Elephant's Trunk. It is held every Sunday from Spring to Fall at the border of NY and CT states. I would wake up early and drive one hour to go to the fair. It was so big (100-200 venders, at least!), and so I never failed to find something there.
If you are feeling like exploring the suburbia along the Hudson River on your next trip to NYC, I recommend stopping by at this market. For more information, go to: Elephant's Trunk.
One thing I really enjoyed while living in on the East Coast (esp. New England) was checking out flea or antique markets. It is the region with relatively long history within the country with short history, and people seem to embrace old things in many ways.

My favorite was this one called Elephant's Trunk. It is held every Sunday from Spring to Fall at the border of NY and CT states. I would wake up early and drive one hour to go to the fair. It was so big (100-200 venders, at least!), and so I never failed to find something there.
If you are feeling like exploring the suburbia along the Hudson River on your next trip to NYC, I recommend stopping by at this market. For more information, go to: Elephant's Trunk.
Museums of Bad Art
It is relatively easy to define 'good art.' How about the opposite - what is the absolutely worst of artworks? I mean, you can paint half asleep, and it will show on the paining. But it probably is not bad enough to be considered the worst artworks ever. So, I am really intrigued by the presence of a museums that showcases only the worst of worst. I think I will check it out when I am in Boston the next time...!

And I got the feeling, I will like some of those works as much as those works shown in other museums!
For more information, go to: Museum of Bad Art (MoBA), Boston, MA, USA
It is relatively easy to define 'good art.' How about the opposite - what is the absolutely worst of artworks? I mean, you can paint half asleep, and it will show on the paining. But it probably is not bad enough to be considered the worst artworks ever. So, I am really intrigued by the presence of a museums that showcases only the worst of worst. I think I will check it out when I am in Boston the next time...!

And I got the feeling, I will like some of those works as much as those works shown in other museums!
For more information, go to: Museum of Bad Art (MoBA), Boston, MA, USA
Saturday, September 5, 2009
現代風車:Modern wind mill


I love cranes - the metal, construction-related kind - as some of you know. I also love the modern wind mills for the wind energy production. They are elegant and magnificent. I wish I can spend a day right in the middle of a crowd of them.


Pictured are the some groups of them in the former East Germany. They have many sites with dozens of them swirling the wind in wide open fields.

Des'ree's "You Gotta Be"
I heard this song over and over when I first moved to the United States. I was 18, I did not know anyone in the entire continent, and I could not speak the language. Now I think of it, it was either a brave or foolish act. All adults around me warned me that it was impossible - I just did not see it that way. I was 18, just starting to navigate my own life. And to me, everything seemed possible, as long as I try hard to make things work.
一年目は、それはそれは、色濃かったです、いろんな意味で。もちろん、恥ずかしい事も、歯がゆい事も、呆然とする事も、たくさんありました。何もかもが一 からのやり直しで、赤ん坊のように、何をするにも暗中模索でした。それと同時に、どん底にいるからこその、プレッシャーのない開放感もありました。昇る事しかない、どうころんでも、改善するしか道がない。もっとうまく、もっと強く、もっと賢く、もっといろいろと見て感じて理解して、そして、もっと優しくなる。だから、この曲は、まさにぴったりの応援歌でした。今日、偶然に久しぶりに聴いてみると、今の私もこの曲が必要な気がします。
First year was very special. Of course, it was full of embarrassment, frustration, and helplessness. I was like a baby in the new society, not knowing anything, even how to open a bank account. At the same time, I felt this sense of relief coming from being at the bottom. The only way is to go up. I can only improve. I can be better, stronger, tougher, wiser, more experienced and understanding, and kinder. So, this song was a perfect cheer for me back then. Today I re-encountered the song, and I think I need it now as much as back then.
I heard this song over and over when I first moved to the United States. I was 18, I did not know anyone in the entire continent, and I could not speak the language. Now I think of it, it was either a brave or foolish act. All adults around me warned me that it was impossible - I just did not see it that way. I was 18, just starting to navigate my own life. And to me, everything seemed possible, as long as I try hard to make things work.
一年目は、それはそれは、色濃かったです、いろんな意味で。もちろん、恥ずかしい事も、歯がゆい事も、呆然とする事も、たくさんありました。何もかもが一 からのやり直しで、赤ん坊のように、何をするにも暗中模索でした。それと同時に、どん底にいるからこその、プレッシャーのない開放感もありました。昇る事しかない、どうころんでも、改善するしか道がない。もっとうまく、もっと強く、もっと賢く、もっといろいろと見て感じて理解して、そして、もっと優しくなる。だから、この曲は、まさにぴったりの応援歌でした。今日、偶然に久しぶりに聴いてみると、今の私もこの曲が必要な気がします。
First year was very special. Of course, it was full of embarrassment, frustration, and helplessness. I was like a baby in the new society, not knowing anything, even how to open a bank account. At the same time, I felt this sense of relief coming from being at the bottom. The only way is to go up. I can only improve. I can be better, stronger, tougher, wiser, more experienced and understanding, and kinder. So, this song was a perfect cheer for me back then. Today I re-encountered the song, and I think I need it now as much as back then.
つぶやき:some thought,
音楽 : music
Saturday, August 22, 2009
DNA で描く自画像:self portrait by DNA
昨今個人のアイデンティティー同然にも扱われてしまう、遺伝子または DNA。それだけではその人は決まらないよ、と、一生物学者としは言わせていただきたい。もちろん、遺伝子型で出る病気や、決まる鼻の形もあるわけですが、大体においてはあくまで青写真。出来上がりは、環境要因、要するに、その人の人となりによる所が大きいのです。
Nowdays genes or DNA is considered equal to personal identity. As a biologist, I cannot help wanting to tell that it does not determine who you are. Of course, certain genes are strong; there are diseases completely defined by a specific mutation, as well as some shapes of human nose defined by a version of a gene. But in general, they are only blueprints. The final product depends as much on the nurture, as the nature.
それにしても、これは面白いアイデアではあります。DNA11 というチームが、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)を通して販売しているこのアートワークは、あなたの自画像を DNA で描く、というもの。約6万円でのキットを買うと、そこにある綿棒で唾液をひと拭いして会社に送ります。4−6週間後、あなたのDNA を泳動で流したパターンが、ポスターとなって届きます。これ、見慣れている私たちにとっては、アートというほどきれいな物ではないように思うのですが、どうでしょう?
Still, this is an interesting idea. A company called DNA11 sells this product through the MoMA Store, and it is a self portrait of a customer in the form of DNA. When you purchase the kit (which costs 550 USD), you get a swab to extract some of your saliva. Then you send it to the company, and they extract your DNA, amplify, and fragment it. Everyone's DNA is a bit different and makes different kinds of fragments. That's how you - the unique, one and only you - are drawn. You will receive a poster of your DNA fragments in 4-6 weeks. Well, to us, someone who see this kind of pictures all the time, they don't look particularly beautiful to the point of becoming an artwork. But what do you think?

興味のある方は、こちらからどうぞ:MoMA Store, DNA 自画像 ポスター
If you are interested, please check out from here: Framed DNA Print by MoMA Store
Nowdays genes or DNA is considered equal to personal identity. As a biologist, I cannot help wanting to tell that it does not determine who you are. Of course, certain genes are strong; there are diseases completely defined by a specific mutation, as well as some shapes of human nose defined by a version of a gene. But in general, they are only blueprints. The final product depends as much on the nurture, as the nature.
それにしても、これは面白いアイデアではあります。DNA11 というチームが、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)を通して販売しているこのアートワークは、あなたの自画像を DNA で描く、というもの。約6万円でのキットを買うと、そこにある綿棒で唾液をひと拭いして会社に送ります。4−6週間後、あなたのDNA を泳動で流したパターンが、ポスターとなって届きます。これ、見慣れている私たちにとっては、アートというほどきれいな物ではないように思うのですが、どうでしょう?
Still, this is an interesting idea. A company called DNA11 sells this product through the MoMA Store, and it is a self portrait of a customer in the form of DNA. When you purchase the kit (which costs 550 USD), you get a swab to extract some of your saliva. Then you send it to the company, and they extract your DNA, amplify, and fragment it. Everyone's DNA is a bit different and makes different kinds of fragments. That's how you - the unique, one and only you - are drawn. You will receive a poster of your DNA fragments in 4-6 weeks. Well, to us, someone who see this kind of pictures all the time, they don't look particularly beautiful to the point of becoming an artwork. But what do you think?

興味のある方は、こちらからどうぞ:MoMA Store, DNA 自画像 ポスター
If you are interested, please check out from here: Framed DNA Print by MoMA Store
Website: Instructable
これはちょっとすごいサイトです。Instructable と呼ばれるこの企画は、インターネットに散在するいろいろな物の”作り方”を集めたページです。これはすごいと思わせる物から、笑わせていれるもの、はたまた、こんな物一生懸命に作っても...、と、疑問になるものまで、あります、あります。ソーラー パワーで動く三輪車、ネズミの剥製、ホースで作った椅子...説明はだいたいどれも分かりやすく書かれていると思います。
This is a great website. Called Instructable, they pool instructions on how to make, well, everything, from homemade ginger ale to solar panel. Some of the projects just make you impressed or laugh at loud. Some you don't believe someone spend some time making it. Solar-powered trike, taxidermy of mouse, and chair made of garden hose. The instructions are clear and well explained in general, I think.

It is worth checking it out, and I hope everyone will take on the challenge of following at least one instruction! To access to the site, please go to: http://www.instructables.com
This is a great website. Called Instructable, they pool instructions on how to make, well, everything, from homemade ginger ale to solar panel. Some of the projects just make you impressed or laugh at loud. Some you don't believe someone spend some time making it. Solar-powered trike, taxidermy of mouse, and chair made of garden hose. The instructions are clear and well explained in general, I think.

It is worth checking it out, and I hope everyone will take on the challenge of following at least one instruction! To access to the site, please go to: http://www.instructables.com
Thursday, August 20, 2009
VW の シンクロ コマーシャル: VW synchronization CM
この CM は、フォルクス ワーゲンが2000年に(カセットですよ、懐かしいなあ)、ジェッタ用に作った物です。初めて見たときから、いいな、と思いました。街の風景が、車の中のリズムとシンクロする、というものです。うまい!
This is a commercial of VW Jetta from 2000 (look at the cassette player!). I was taken by it form the first time I saw it. The scenes from the street synchronizing with rhythms inside the car. Very effective!
ちなみに、これは ハリケーン カトリーナに襲撃される前の ニュー オーリンズで撮られました。こんな風に、街のあるときの姿が保存される、というのもいいですね。
By the way, this was shot in New Orleans before Katrina. It is nice to see how the city before the unfortunate incident is preserved this way.
This is a commercial of VW Jetta from 2000 (look at the cassette player!). I was taken by it form the first time I saw it. The scenes from the street synchronizing with rhythms inside the car. Very effective!
ちなみに、これは ハリケーン カトリーナに襲撃される前の ニュー オーリンズで撮られました。こんな風に、街のあるときの姿が保存される、というのもいいですね。
By the way, this was shot in New Orleans before Katrina. It is nice to see how the city before the unfortunate incident is preserved this way.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
T-shirts from Isotope Design
4人組のデザイン チーム、 Isotope Design は 幾何学、自然界、科学図解などをモチーフに、数々のシルクスクリーンの まじめにかっこいい T−シャツ を生み出しています。かなりつぼにはまってしまい、もしかしたらいつも T−シャツ を着る女になってしまうかもしれません。(笑)いい感じに、科学とアートが交わっているのですよ。
The Isotope Design is a 4-people team of designing graphic and/or scientific T-shirts, and they are amazing!!! They are making me wear T-shirt all the time from now on. Their materials and ideas come from nature, signs, scientific diagrams, maps, and so on, and it's just tastefully geeky and artsy.
Barley to Beer - explained - T-shirt.

Atom Geometry T-shirt.

Mushroom Diversity T-shirt.

Time-to-Read in Dutch T-shirt.

Die Bahn German Train Route Map T-shirt.

You can buy their T-shirts through Etsy or Bubbletees.com.
The Isotope Design is a 4-people team of designing graphic and/or scientific T-shirts, and they are amazing!!! They are making me wear T-shirt all the time from now on. Their materials and ideas come from nature, signs, scientific diagrams, maps, and so on, and it's just tastefully geeky and artsy.
Barley to Beer - explained - T-shirt.

Atom Geometry T-shirt.

Mushroom Diversity T-shirt.

Time-to-Read in Dutch T-shirt.

Die Bahn German Train Route Map T-shirt.

You can buy their T-shirts through Etsy or Bubbletees.com.
Erica Weiner's jewelry
Erica Weiner さんは、手作りで自然やノスタルジックな物を題材にアクセサリーを作るデザイナーです。貴金属を使わず、それゆえ割とお手軽に手に入るのがうれしいです。はっとするほど大きくて精巧な昆虫を首から下げてみるのも、いかかでしょう?
Erica Weiner is a NY-based jewelry designer. She gets inspirations from natural world and nostalgic eras. Using copper and brass, as well as other semi-precious materials, the prices don't hit too hard on our wallet. It's nice to hang a big and so finely recreated bees and grasshoppers down your neck once in a while, isn't it?

To purchase some of these beautiful pieces and others, go to: http://www.ericaweiner.com/
Erica Weiner is a NY-based jewelry designer. She gets inspirations from natural world and nostalgic eras. Using copper and brass, as well as other semi-precious materials, the prices don't hit too hard on our wallet. It's nice to hang a big and so finely recreated bees and grasshoppers down your neck once in a while, isn't it?

To purchase some of these beautiful pieces and others, go to: http://www.ericaweiner.com/
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Niche Modern's lamps
Jeremy Pyles と Mary Welch は、夫婦でランプデザインをしているチームです。Niche Modern という照明器具の会社に、すてきなシリーズを提供しています。
Jeremy Pyles and Mary Welch are a husband-and-wife team of light fixture designers. They designed a beautiful series of ceiling lamps for Niche Modern.
Stamen Saphire.


Sola chandelier.
Jeremy Pyles and Mary Welch are a husband-and-wife team of light fixture designers. They designed a beautiful series of ceiling lamps for Niche Modern.
Stamen Saphire.


Sola chandelier.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
口パクの極意:The ultimate lip singing
このビデオ知ってますか? The Two Chinese Boys という、美大生の友人二人がふざけて作ったホームビデオなのですが、数年前から出回っているそうです(貼付けてあるのは、2005年作)。私はつい最近発見したのですが、もう、爆笑でした。一気に惚れ込みました。(笑)
Have you seen this video of "The Two Chinese Boys"? I guess it is well known in some circles since a few years back (the video was made in 2005). I just got to know it, and oh boy, I am laughing like crazy watching it!
寮に住んでいるようで、まさにそれらしい部屋で撮影されています。笑えるのは、細かい所もなんです。まさに、ルーム メイトらしい子が、背景で微動だにせずにいるのですが、それとなく参加してるんですよね。だって、お揃いのコスチュームを着てるんだもの...
These boys are art students living in a dorm, where they filmed the video. What makes me smile is the details, too - the roomie who stay completely unaffected in the background - he is wearing the matching costume, too!
I love these silly creativity and energy to make it happen. Look at the great timing of the movement - it is perfect!
Apparently, they have become quite famous in China (and other places over the world). These videos changed their lives, it seems. They have a blog in English, in which they take requests.
Have you seen this video of "The Two Chinese Boys"? I guess it is well known in some circles since a few years back (the video was made in 2005). I just got to know it, and oh boy, I am laughing like crazy watching it!
寮に住んでいるようで、まさにそれらしい部屋で撮影されています。笑えるのは、細かい所もなんです。まさに、ルーム メイトらしい子が、背景で微動だにせずにいるのですが、それとなく参加してるんですよね。だって、お揃いのコスチュームを着てるんだもの...
These boys are art students living in a dorm, where they filmed the video. What makes me smile is the details, too - the roomie who stay completely unaffected in the background - he is wearing the matching costume, too!
I love these silly creativity and energy to make it happen. Look at the great timing of the movement - it is perfect!
Apparently, they have become quite famous in China (and other places over the world). These videos changed their lives, it seems. They have a blog in English, in which they take requests.
音楽 : music
Friday, July 24, 2009
Regina Spektor
多分、もう彼女はインディーズでもオルターニティブとも形容されないくらいメジャーになっているのでしょう。新しいアルバム、"Far" がでました。とても欲しいです。
She is no longer considered indies or alternative, maybe. Her new album has just come out. It is called "Far" and I want it!
リンクしてあるビデオは、"Folding Chair" という曲です。最新アルバムに収録されていますが、もう何年もライブなどで歌っているそうです。上が、デモ バージョンで、下がアルバム バージョンです。テンポとか、結構違うんです。比べてみると面白いと思います。私は、デモの方が好きかな?モメンタムがいい!
The video below is on the song titled "Folding Chair" - it is included in the new album. She has been singing it in lives for a few years at least, and this demo version is more like the live versions people have been hearing. You can compare with the album version and see which one you like. I like the demo one - it has so much momentum!
She is no longer considered indies or alternative, maybe. Her new album has just come out. It is called "Far" and I want it!
リンクしてあるビデオは、"Folding Chair" という曲です。最新アルバムに収録されていますが、もう何年もライブなどで歌っているそうです。上が、デモ バージョンで、下がアルバム バージョンです。テンポとか、結構違うんです。比べてみると面白いと思います。私は、デモの方が好きかな?モメンタムがいい!
The video below is on the song titled "Folding Chair" - it is included in the new album. She has been singing it in lives for a few years at least, and this demo version is more like the live versions people have been hearing. You can compare with the album version and see which one you like. I like the demo one - it has so much momentum!
音楽 : music
Spangle Call Lilli Line
It's been a while since I became a fan of their calming and comfortable tunes.
My non-Japanese friends cannot tell that they sing in Japanese - it doesn't sound like any particular language, they say!
It's been a while since I became a fan of their calming and comfortable tunes.
My non-Japanese friends cannot tell that they sing in Japanese - it doesn't sound like any particular language, they say!
音楽 : music
自己組織化する鳩たち:Self-organizing pigeons

Have you observed a group of birds for a while? They show well-patterned behaviors. For example, pigeons in a park walk around in all directions, if you look at bird by bird. But if you see the group as a whole, you see them gathering and then dispersing every so often, in an evenly spaced timing. It's a pulse of gathering and dispersing. But if you follow each of them, they seem to be just wondering around, without no attention to other birds around.

The next time when you want to just relax and feel the time pass, I recommend looking at pigeons - they are never tiring! The pictures feature pigeons from Heian-Jingu shrine in Kyoto, Japan.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Shanghai Restoration Project's "Miss Shanghai"
ここのところヘビー ローテーションで聞いていました。
I was listening to them on a heavy rotation (is this Japanenglish??) for a while.
The Shanghai Restoration Project は、中国系アメリカ人の Dave Liang 氏率いるエレクトロニカ グループです。アレンジが面白い曲が多くて、飽きずに聞き続けてます。ところで、彼らが1930年代の上海での人気曲をリミックスしてつくったアルバムは、チャイナ レコードという会社からリリースされたそうですが、なんとこのレーベル、中国政府のレコード レーベルらしいです。国がレコード会社を持ってるというのも、なかなかですね。
The Shanghai Restoration Project is an electronica band led by Dave Liang, a Chinese-American. Very interesting arrangements in general. The work they re-mixed Shanghai songs from 1930's was released through the China Record - Chinese government's record label! I did not even know that countries have national record labels!
I was listening to them on a heavy rotation (is this Japanenglish??) for a while.
The Shanghai Restoration Project は、中国系アメリカ人の Dave Liang 氏率いるエレクトロニカ グループです。アレンジが面白い曲が多くて、飽きずに聞き続けてます。ところで、彼らが1930年代の上海での人気曲をリミックスしてつくったアルバムは、チャイナ レコードという会社からリリースされたそうですが、なんとこのレーベル、中国政府のレコード レーベルらしいです。国がレコード会社を持ってるというのも、なかなかですね。
The Shanghai Restoration Project is an electronica band led by Dave Liang, a Chinese-American. Very interesting arrangements in general. The work they re-mixed Shanghai songs from 1930's was released through the China Record - Chinese government's record label! I did not even know that countries have national record labels!
音楽 : music
SOUR "日々の音色":SOUR's "Everyday Sounds"
お気に入りのブログ、Swissmissを通して、インディーズ ポップ SOURの「日々の音色」という曲のビデオに出会いました。いいですね、いいアイデアです。出てくる人はみんな世界中のファンのようです。
I have found the Japanese indies pop group SOUR and their wonderful youtube music videos through Swissmiss blog. Loved the "Tone of Every Day" (which I prefer to call "Everyday Sounds" from my images of the words used). The people featured in the video was fans from all over the world, apparently.
少しリンクをつなげてみると、もうひとつすてきなミュージック ビデオを見つけましたよ。こちらは「君の面影の先に」というタイトルです。
For more info about the group, go to their official website.
I have found the Japanese indies pop group SOUR and their wonderful youtube music videos through Swissmiss blog. Loved the "Tone of Every Day" (which I prefer to call "Everyday Sounds" from my images of the words used). The people featured in the video was fans from all over the world, apparently.
少しリンクをつなげてみると、もうひとつすてきなミュージック ビデオを見つけましたよ。こちらは「君の面影の先に」というタイトルです。
After digging the tubedom further, I came across with yet another delightful video from them. It's titled "Beyond Your Memory." Very nice!
For more info about the group, go to their official website.
音楽 : music
Monday, July 20, 2009
自分の感受性くらい by 茨木のりこ:Your Sensitivity by Noriko Ibaraki

ぱさぱさに乾いてゆく心をひとのせいにはするなみずから水やりを怠っておいて気難しくなってきたのを友人のせいにはするなしなやかさを失ったのはどちらなのか苛立つのを近親のせいにするななにもかも下手だったのはわたくし初心消えかかるのを暮らしのせいにはするなそもそもが ひよわな志にすぎなかった駄目なことの一切を時代のせいにはするなわずかに光る尊厳の放棄自分の感受性ぐらい自分で守ればかものよ

A friend of mine sent me this poem on the back of a postcard. She said it woke her up. It woke me up, too. Years passed by since then, and it still kicks me out of self pity or excuses sometimes. I try to translate into English - hope I did not ruin it!
Your Sensitivity
By Noriko Ibaraki
Don’t blame others for
Your heart drying and cracking
You are the one who forgot to water it
Don’t blame your friends for
Your mind becoming stiff and closed
Weren’t you the one who lost flexibility?
Don’t blame your family for
You being irritated
I am the one who could not handle anything well
Don’t blame Life for
You losing your young enthusiasm
It was weak will to begin with
Don’t blame Time for
Everything that does not work out
Don’t lose the last piece of your already dim integrity
You are the only one
Who can protect your sensitivity
So wake up, You Fool
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