He is one of my favorite writers. When I first read “The Remains of the Day,” I could not stop reading. In one go I finished it, and I am not embarrassed to admit that I was crying in the last 30 pages. It is a story of a man who realizes that he did not really live his life to the fullest – he did not make decisions and take responsibility for his life, when he is in his ‘evening’ years of his life. It may sound depressing, but so beautifully told and so real – similar experiences can happen to everyone.

The author was born in Japan, but lived in UK most of his life. I don’t think he writes in Japanese (at least publicly). His English flows so well – one of the easiest writers to read in English for me.

この話、ハリウッドが映画化もしました。でも、豪華キャストの割に(アンソニー ホプキンスとエマトンプソン主演)いまいちだったような...イシグロさんならではのユーモアを忘れて、重くなりすぎていたような気がします。あれがあるからこそ、キャラクターにも味が出たし、読むのをやめられなかったわけなのですよね。
The story was adapted to a film script. Despite great casts like Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, the movie didn’t quite work for me. Lost the humors of Kazuo Ishiguro, which made the hero a lot more interesting to know and the book so enjoyable to read.
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