One of the events I was VERY looking forward to during the last Paris trip was the cooking lesson from M-san. M-san is the chef, who posts recipes of delicious dishes on this site. She also has another blog, where she reports everyday life in Paris with a dog seen by keen and warm eyes. I have followed these sites for some time now, and I have wanted to take a lesson from her.

We made a 3-course lunch together. The starter was a soup made of sugar radish (?). We cooked it slowly with low heat to bring out the natural sweetness from the ingredient. I ended up not putting much salt, because the veggie's original taste was so nice. It was a perfect mix with the caviar topping!

メインは、ぴちぴちの鯛を焼いたもの。備え付けのフライドポテトや野菜炒めのおいしい作り方もばっちり伝授。魚の三枚おろし、初めてしました。バルサミコ ソースとからめていただきました。とってもおいしかったですよ〜!
The main was grilled red snapper. M-san taught me so many wonderful tips, including how to boil different veggies and how to make crisp French flies! I also learned how to fillet a fish. We had the fish with balsamico source. It was delicious!

そしてデザートはタルト タタン。リンゴをカラメル焼きにして、さくさくのパイ生地の上に。バニラ ソースも手作りです。あああ、なんて美味!
And the dessert was Tarte Tatan. Cooked apple slices with caramel, and put it on top of pie slice. We made the vanilla source, too. Ahhh, heavenly...
Mさんは期待通り、すてきな人、すばらしい先生でした。芯がしっかりしてて自分らしく、かつ自然の条理に逆らわず生きているようで、感心してしまいました。Mさんはこの3月、犬のフレじいくん(かわいかったです)と共に日本に帰国して新たなスタートを迎えます。これからも、いろんな意味でおいしさをみつける生活を楽しんでください。そして、私たちにもそんな生活をときどき分けてください。ブログ再開、楽しみにしています。Bon voyage!
M-san was as special as a person and a teacher as I thought she would be. She knows who she is and lives along with it, while not resisting the natural course of events. She is starting a new life back in Japan this month, with her companion doggy (so cute!). I wish her life with lots of tastefulness to continue in the new chapter of her life. I am so looking forward to reading about it! Bon voyage!
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