Max Bill (1908 – 1994) はいろんなジャンルで活躍したスイス人アーティストです。ありとあらゆる物をデザインし、絵も描き、建物や彫刻も創りました。バウハウスで学んだらしい、シンプルで機能重視のスタンスが明確です。
Max Bill (1908 – 1994) is a Swiss multi-genre artist. He was a designer (of all sorts!), painter, architect, and sculptor. He was educated in the Bauhaus style, and his works reflect the simplicity and function-oriented philosophy of the school.

His works shows additional influences, which are very scientific (especially mathematical and physical). He was inspired by the New Physics, which was coming out in his youth, and he wanted to conceptualize it in the form of arts.

I love his lines - beautiful combinations of curves and straight lines. His furniture is incredible in its form and function. The chair can be stacked to be used as shelf!

And the watches... How can something be so simple and thus beautiful?
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