I saw Totoro with a 4 year-old child of my friend the other day. It has been a really long time (more than 10 years) since I saw it last time. I was completely knocked out by the movie - what a charming and well made (with care for details!) animation it is!

The country side, which is the suburbia of Tokyo as of 50 years ago or so (now covered with concrete and asphalt), so green and warm, and you feel nostalgic even if you don't know any place like that personally. Even a non-Japanese person who has never been to such a place says they feel this special kind of affinity and longing to 'go back' to place like that.
世界中どこでも、子供はトトロが大好きです。”魔女の宅急便”も人気がありますね。この、スタジオ ジブリ マジックは何なのでしょう?大人からも愛されてますし。ジブリ映画は、小さい子をもつ親からとても感謝されています。というのも、ディズニーなどと比べて、何百回とリピートされても苦にならないらしい。日本語の教材としても一品です。例えばこの女の子、かわいい日本語を連発してました。「さんぽ!」「歩こう!」「どんぐり〜!」
Kids love Totoro, as well as Kiki (from "Kiki's Delivery Service'), all over the world. What is it about Miyazaki movies? Even adults like them. My friends who have kids thank Miyazaki for rescuing their life from DIsney movies - they say Miyazaki movies are easier to see 1000 times than other animations. It apparently is the best Japanese lesson kids can have; the little girl I saw it together kept talking to me in Japanese! "Sanpo!" "Arukou!" "Donguri~!"
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