マイケル ジャクソンが亡くなりました。彼が重力に反して舞台を動く姿を見て育った世代にはショックなニュースです。ミュージシャンとしても有名人としてのイメージも特に好きではないのですが、ここ40年ほどのポップ界の代表であった訳で...ちょっといたたまれないのは、一番人気が亡くなった頃に人生を終える事になったことです。死んでから、いきなり皆(マスコミとか)彼に好意的になってます。こんなに惜しまれるとは、本人思ってなかったでしょうね。なんだかダイアナ妃のことを彷彿とさせます。
Michael Jackson died yesterday. It is shocking for people who spent their childhood watching him dance like a spaceman. I didn't like him particularly for his music or tabloid image, but he was the icon I was always familiar with. It is sad that he had to end his life in one of the lowest points of his career. Is it just me, or people suddenly start to praise him after he passed away? Reminds me of Princess Diana incident!
このミュージック ビデオはかなり好きだったのを覚えています。マイケル君が筆頭にたって、80年代のゴージャスな顔ぶれのシンガー達が団結して、「アフリカを救え!」と歌っています。そういう事を言い出したのは、ボノが最初ではなかったのですね。
I remember this video very well - "We are the World" was produced by him and featured so many top-notch 80's singers. I had forgotten that it was for 'Save Africa' movement - Bono wasn't the first singer to take action for it, huh?
ちなみに私は、有名なスリラーなどのアルバムはそれほど好きではなかったのですが、90年代に入ってから出た Black or White は結構はまってました。ミュージック ビデオ (HDです)を貼付ける事が出来ないので、こちらのリンクからどうぞ。
I wasn't a huge fan of his famous albums like Thriller (but I liked Black or White, actually). I cannot embed a music video of "Black and White". Please go to this link to view it (it's HD!).
Friday, June 26, 2009
Post-It motion : 締め切り:Deadline
I have seen this video on multiple of my favorite sites. Well, it's a great mini motion picture for sure!
I have seen this video on multiple of my favorite sites. Well, it's a great mini motion picture for sure!
ショートフィルム : Short film
Sunday, June 21, 2009
街の恐竜たち: Urban dinosaurs

建設用のクレーンに惹かれます。特に、すらりと空にのびる高層ビル用(?)のもの。まるで、恐竜かきりんのよう。メタル感がハード ボイルドですし。

I love cranes. Not the bird (although, I like the bird, too - after all, I am Japanese, and they are symbolic in Japan), but the construction machine. Especially the tall kinds for high-rise buildings (?). They stand so elegantly toward the open sky. To me, they look like dinosaurs or giraffes, made of metals.


Every time I visit a city, I am drawn to cranes. I take pictures of them so often, now I have so many of them! I will post them time to time on this blog from now on.

The first ones are from Bristol, UK.
黄金螺旋のT−シャツ:The Golden Spiral T-shirt

The Golden Spiral - an equiangular spiral that can be drawn by plotting a series of squares decreasing in size at the Golden Ratio. The symbol of perfect beauty. The pattern often found in nature. Relevant in many fields across arts and sciences.

と、言う訳で、この「私、最高な気分!(I Feel Golden!)」とうたうT−シャツ、いろんなひとの心をわしづかみです。
So, this simple and humorous T-shirt grabs so many people's hearts.
ほしいひとは、こちら、Brooklyn Industriesでどうぞ。
You can get one at Brooklyn Industries.
Addidas commercial " Jose +10"
2006年のドイツ ワールド カップ用に、アディダスがこんなすてきな広告シリーズを作ってくれました。ブラジルのどこかにある、空き地が舞台。ホセ君とその友達(ライバル?)が、サッカーをするのに、夢のチームメートを選んでいきます。すると、出てくるのですね、現役、伝説のプレーヤー、関係なく次々と。とてもいい着想だと思います。このCM大好きで、待ちわびてみてました。撮影も楽しかったのでしょうねえ!
For the 2006 World Cup, Addidas made this wonderful advertisement series called "Jose +10." It takes place in a neighborhood playground somewhere in Brazil. Jose and his friend start imaginary dream teams to play against each other. They pick great players past and present from all over the world, and they appear right there! Great idea - I was looking forward to seeing this commercial so much. The shooting must have been a lot of fun as well...!
For the 2006 World Cup, Addidas made this wonderful advertisement series called "Jose +10." It takes place in a neighborhood playground somewhere in Brazil. Jose and his friend start imaginary dream teams to play against each other. They pick great players past and present from all over the world, and they appear right there! Great idea - I was looking forward to seeing this commercial so much. The shooting must have been a lot of fun as well...!
A creative visual blog : 3191
Two friends living 3191 miles apart - in towns of the same name (Portland) in two opposite sides of the big country USA - decided to take one picture in every morning and posted it in this original blog. They are both artists, and they capture the small beauty of everyday scenes. They continued this project for one year and then did an evening version next year.

The selected morning pictures were collected in a visual book. I am just waiting for it to arrive from Amazon now. Their evening picture book is coming out this summer. (Please click the links here for the information pages of the morning and evening picture books.)
今は、不定期に、好きなときに日常を映して新しいブログ、3191 Miles Apartを更新しているようです。是非お尋ねあれ。
Now they continue with a less structured format and update little slices of their lives. Still, the blog, 3191 Miles Apart, is charming and worth regular visits!
Two friends living 3191 miles apart - in towns of the same name (Portland) in two opposite sides of the big country USA - decided to take one picture in every morning and posted it in this original blog. They are both artists, and they capture the small beauty of everyday scenes. They continued this project for one year and then did an evening version next year.

The selected morning pictures were collected in a visual book. I am just waiting for it to arrive from Amazon now. Their evening picture book is coming out this summer. (Please click the links here for the information pages of the morning and evening picture books.)
今は、不定期に、好きなときに日常を映して新しいブログ、3191 Miles Apartを更新しているようです。是非お尋ねあれ。
Now they continue with a less structured format and update little slices of their lives. Still, the blog, 3191 Miles Apart, is charming and worth regular visits!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
太陽の電磁波:Magnetic Sun

Beautiful and psychedelic picture of magnetic fields in the Sun.
思い出の石:memory stones

Long time ago, I saw a movie with a character who collects stones. When he comes across important moments of his life, he finds a stone nearby and holds it tight, trying to capture the moment into the piece of rock. He carries stones that remind him of happy moment and sad moments – for example, when he went to see his daughter after many years of estrangement, and his apology was rejected. When he died, the only thing he left was a sack full of stones.

I saw this movie when I was still very young, when my life was just about to really start, so I could not quite get how he knows the importance of the moments right then. I thought memories are formed later, when they stay on vividly on our minds.

Many years passed by since then, and my sack starts to have more than few stones of its own. But I always realized importance of events later on, and so all my stones were imaginary. Then, last year, I had the moment, during which I knew that I would remember the conversation all my life. I knew how special it was. I was holding an invisible stone in my hand. I knew I would and wanted to remember the moment. I felt it with my entire being.

つぶやき:some thought
Sunday, June 7, 2009
折り紙ランプ:Origami Lamp
And this is the Origami Lamp I made about 2 years ago.

プロト タイプのつもりが、そのまま使って久しいです。光の通しがいい紙で作ったら、もっときれいなのだろうけれど...
It was supposed to be a prototype, but I kept using it as is. I think it would be a lot nicer if I make it with better light transmitting papers...
And this is the Origami Lamp I made about 2 years ago.

プロト タイプのつもりが、そのまま使って久しいです。光の通しがいい紙で作ったら、もっときれいなのだろうけれど...
It was supposed to be a prototype, but I kept using it as is. I think it would be a lot nicer if I make it with better light transmitting papers...

切り紙ランプ:Kirigami lamp
Sometimes I am in the mood for making something.

傘の骨の針金しかないランプがあったので、半紙を切り紙してランプ シェードを作りました。なんとなくアラベスクで、なんとなくジャパニーズ。いい感じの陰を壁に映してくれます。
I had a lamp with only the bones of the shade. So, I made a KIRIGAMI lamp shade. It is a bit Arabesque and a bit Japanese. Makes a nice reflections on the wall...
Sometimes I am in the mood for making something.

傘の骨の針金しかないランプがあったので、半紙を切り紙してランプ シェードを作りました。なんとなくアラベスクで、なんとなくジャパニーズ。いい感じの陰を壁に映してくれます。
I had a lamp with only the bones of the shade. So, I made a KIRIGAMI lamp shade. It is a bit Arabesque and a bit Japanese. Makes a nice reflections on the wall...

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