Long time ago, I saw a movie with a character who collects stones. When he comes across important moments of his life, he finds a stone nearby and holds it tight, trying to capture the moment into the piece of rock. He carries stones that remind him of happy moment and sad moments – for example, when he went to see his daughter after many years of estrangement, and his apology was rejected. When he died, the only thing he left was a sack full of stones.

I saw this movie when I was still very young, when my life was just about to really start, so I could not quite get how he knows the importance of the moments right then. I thought memories are formed later, when they stay on vividly on our minds.

Many years passed by since then, and my sack starts to have more than few stones of its own. But I always realized importance of events later on, and so all my stones were imaginary. Then, last year, I had the moment, during which I knew that I would remember the conversation all my life. I knew how special it was. I was holding an invisible stone in my hand. I knew I would and wanted to remember the moment. I felt it with my entire being.

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