Two friends living 3191 miles apart - in towns of the same name (Portland) in two opposite sides of the big country USA - decided to take one picture in every morning and posted it in this original blog. They are both artists, and they capture the small beauty of everyday scenes. They continued this project for one year and then did an evening version next year.

The selected morning pictures were collected in a visual book. I am just waiting for it to arrive from Amazon now. Their evening picture book is coming out this summer. (Please click the links here for the information pages of the morning and evening picture books.)
今は、不定期に、好きなときに日常を映して新しいブログ、3191 Miles Apartを更新しているようです。是非お尋ねあれ。
Now they continue with a less structured format and update little slices of their lives. Still, the blog, 3191 Miles Apart, is charming and worth regular visits!
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