ジャズ/クラッシック ピアニストのキース ジャレットさんによる ”カントリー” というこの曲は、しみじみと温かいドイツ映画、「マーサの幸せレシピ」で出会いました。仕事に没頭している完全主義者のマーサは、ある日家族の不幸で姪を引き取る事になります。現実っぽい甘くない状況を経て、だんだんと共同生活に慣れていく過程で、だんだんと人生にも心を開いていく、というお話。よく聞いた事があるような展開かもしれませんが、この映画は全体ですごくバランスがとれていて、魅せてくれるのです。きれいな画像、真実味のある演技、すてきな音楽...見る度に、ほんわかとして、おいしいご飯が食べたくなる、そんな映画なのです。
I got to know this song via the adorable German movie "Mostly Martha (Bella Martha)." It was a story about a work-obsessed perfectionist chef Martha, who ended up taking care of her niece and slowly warmed up to life. The plot may not be the most original, but overall it is so well done - lovely music, pictures, and believable acting, and it makes you so hungry for good food and slice of life!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Cuarteto de Nos
ウルグアイ出身のオルターネイト バンドです。偶然見つけた ”YA NO SE QUE HACER CONMIGO” という曲のミュージック ビデオがとってもいい。
An alternative band from Uruguay. I am taken by the music video of their tune "YA NO SE QUE HACER CONMIGO."
For more information about them, go to their MySpace page.
An alternative band from Uruguay. I am taken by the music video of their tune "YA NO SE QUE HACER CONMIGO."
For more information about them, go to their MySpace page.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
アアルトハウス:Aalto house (2)
In this post, I will show pictures of the private part of the Aalto house.

これは、仕事場のからプライベートの方をみた視界。境界には大きな引き戸(壁に見えるような)があり、きちんと住み分けられていたようです。手前にあるのが居間で、奥に見えているのがダイニング ルーム。
This view is from the office space to the rest of the house. A heavy sliding door was shut all the time between the two quarters of the house. The living room in the front, and the dining room on the back.

The living room from the other end. Most furniture was designed by him and his wife. The arm chair, the table, ... you can still find in Artek.

なんとなく日本風な雰囲気が漂っていました。木目がおおいし、シンプルで直線的なフォルム、そして壁一面に広がる大きなウィンドウ。それからこれは...簾?ですよね?このすてきな窓際暖房のうえに置かれたプランテーション ボックスは、アイノさんのアイデアだったとか。
I felt a bit of Japanese feel in the house. Lots of simple, straight lines, wood, and big windows... And these window shades look so much like SUDARE, the traditional Japanese kind! Well. The plantation box on the radiators was a wonderful idea by Aino.

グランド ピアノは、最初の奥さん、アイノさんのものだったそうです。彼女の写真が上に飾られていました。二人はプライベートでもデザインでも、この上なく息があったすてきなカップルだったようですが、悲しい事に彼女は早くに亡くなってしまいました。残されたアアルトは、同じく公私で好パートナーとなる後妻を見つける事になります。一度愛せた人は二度愛せる、というのは本当ですね。
The grand piano belonged to his first wife Aino, whose picture is on it. She and Aalto had a legendary romance, it sounds, but sadly she passed away young. Aalto did find another love of his life, who also turned out to be a very talented designer and architecture. It is true - if you can love once, you can love twice!

This is the dining room. The built in cupboard is the wall between this room and another (pantry). The table is expandable.

二階のベッドルーム。当時としてはとても珍しかったウォーク イン クローゼットがあります。なんと、天窓付き!
This is the bedroom on the second floor. There was a walk-in closet (very rare back then) with the ceiling window!
In this post, I will show pictures of the private part of the Aalto house.

これは、仕事場のからプライベートの方をみた視界。境界には大きな引き戸(壁に見えるような)があり、きちんと住み分けられていたようです。手前にあるのが居間で、奥に見えているのがダイニング ルーム。
This view is from the office space to the rest of the house. A heavy sliding door was shut all the time between the two quarters of the house. The living room in the front, and the dining room on the back.

The living room from the other end. Most furniture was designed by him and his wife. The arm chair, the table, ... you can still find in Artek.

なんとなく日本風な雰囲気が漂っていました。木目がおおいし、シンプルで直線的なフォルム、そして壁一面に広がる大きなウィンドウ。それからこれは...簾?ですよね?このすてきな窓際暖房のうえに置かれたプランテーション ボックスは、アイノさんのアイデアだったとか。
I felt a bit of Japanese feel in the house. Lots of simple, straight lines, wood, and big windows... And these window shades look so much like SUDARE, the traditional Japanese kind! Well. The plantation box on the radiators was a wonderful idea by Aino.

グランド ピアノは、最初の奥さん、アイノさんのものだったそうです。彼女の写真が上に飾られていました。二人はプライベートでもデザインでも、この上なく息があったすてきなカップルだったようですが、悲しい事に彼女は早くに亡くなってしまいました。残されたアアルトは、同じく公私で好パートナーとなる後妻を見つける事になります。一度愛せた人は二度愛せる、というのは本当ですね。
The grand piano belonged to his first wife Aino, whose picture is on it. She and Aalto had a legendary romance, it sounds, but sadly she passed away young. Aalto did find another love of his life, who also turned out to be a very talented designer and architecture. It is true - if you can love once, you can love twice!

This is the dining room. The built in cupboard is the wall between this room and another (pantry). The table is expandable.

二階のベッドルーム。当時としてはとても珍しかったウォーク イン クローゼットがあります。なんと、天窓付き!
This is the bedroom on the second floor. There was a walk-in closet (very rare back then) with the ceiling window!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
アアルトハウス:Aalto house (1)
今回のヘルシンキ行きでは、アアルト三昧を楽しみました。彼のデザインしたフィンランディア ホールで聞いたヘルシンキ交響楽団の演奏は、シチュエーションだけでもう感激ものでしたし、アルテックの本店で家具を試すのも、感慨十分。
This trip to Helsinki was all about Aalto. The father of Finnish design is definitely one of my favorite designers of all time. I went to a Helsinki-Philharmony concert at the Finlandia Hall, which was designed by Aalto, of course, and I was completely swept away (beautiful trumpet and piano concerto, wonderfully comfortable chair...!!). I also enjoyed spending some time at the world headquarter of Artek, the company he and his wife established.
But the highlight was the visit to his house! I was the only visitor for the hour, so they gave me a private tour and afterward let me explore on my own. (Yes!) He made the house when he was still a young and start-up architect in an area, which was considered a far end of the city (at that time), on a very tight budget. This house was his experiment, showcase, and grand collection of his motto to create something everyone can afford. He loved the place dearly and spent most of his life there, together with two much loved wives. It was a full life - you can feel it there in his house.
In this post, I will post photos of the office/studio part of the house.

Aalto liked this corner of the house. His desk was permanently placed here - not in the office room!

Desks of his workers. The pictures were painted by Aalto. The upper floor was for the newbies. They had to start there by sharpening hundreds of pencils a day. (laugh)

This room was supposed to be his office, but he didn't like it, apparently. Instead, his wife and fellow designer Aino used it.

This is a secret door to the 2nd floor of the house. When he was too busy or overwhelmed, he would sneak out of the work place from this door to the balcony.

A collection of bits and pieces. Some were dug up during construction of the house, and others were taken up on trips to all over the world.
This trip to Helsinki was all about Aalto. The father of Finnish design is definitely one of my favorite designers of all time. I went to a Helsinki-Philharmony concert at the Finlandia Hall, which was designed by Aalto, of course, and I was completely swept away (beautiful trumpet and piano concerto, wonderfully comfortable chair...!!). I also enjoyed spending some time at the world headquarter of Artek, the company he and his wife established.
But the highlight was the visit to his house! I was the only visitor for the hour, so they gave me a private tour and afterward let me explore on my own. (Yes!) He made the house when he was still a young and start-up architect in an area, which was considered a far end of the city (at that time), on a very tight budget. This house was his experiment, showcase, and grand collection of his motto to create something everyone can afford. He loved the place dearly and spent most of his life there, together with two much loved wives. It was a full life - you can feel it there in his house.
In this post, I will post photos of the office/studio part of the house.

Aalto liked this corner of the house. His desk was permanently placed here - not in the office room!

Desks of his workers. The pictures were painted by Aalto. The upper floor was for the newbies. They had to start there by sharpening hundreds of pencils a day. (laugh)

This room was supposed to be his office, but he didn't like it, apparently. Instead, his wife and fellow designer Aino used it.

This is a secret door to the 2nd floor of the house. When he was too busy or overwhelmed, he would sneak out of the work place from this door to the balcony.

A collection of bits and pieces. Some were dug up during construction of the house, and others were taken up on trips to all over the world.
細胞を装う:A bit of biology on me

ナーバス システム(直訳すると、神経組織?)という駆け出しのデザイナーを見つけました。生物に基づいた、とってもきれいなネックレスやイヤリングを作っています。使っている材料もユニークで、ラテックスやフエルトなど。個人的にはもうずっと細胞がおりなすパターンなど芸術的に美しいと感じているのですが、ここにそれをみんなに楽しんでもらうことを実践してくれた人がいる訳です。
I have just found the Nervous System, an indies designer who makes necklaces and earrings that are biologically inspired and absolutely gorgeous. The materials are unusual, too, sometimes - latex or felt. I always thought patterns we see with cells, etc., are beautiful arts of their own, and someone made it available for all of us!

このお店に行きたい人は、こちらのリンクへ: http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/
To shop at the Nervous System, go to: http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/

Sunday, May 17, 2009
ヘルシンキの印象:Impression of Helsinki

I had a chance to visit Helsinki, the capital of Finland, in April. I love the design and the transparent feel of the Scandinavia and hope to travel all the countries there. I have always wanted to go to Finland especially. Although it was too short! (only a few days), I enjoyed so much. It was a trip full of great moments... I also felt quite at home and relaxed there. Frankly, I fell in love with the place!!

Even in April, it was pretty cold. Can you see the ice in the sea? (It melted only where the ducks pass! laugh) Overall, it felt like winter to us the foreigners (no green yet, and the sunlight was still faded), but the locals were out and about, enjoying the warm and sunny days. I could almost hear them saying, "What, it is above 2 degree? We've gotta get out there!" I could easily imagine how much they enjoy the summer - and they told me to come back in summer, when you can soak up all Finland can offer! (laugh - and I thought April was great enough!)

Compared to Sweden, Finland was low key in many aspects. Not so shiny, literally and metaphorically. The states of the public transportation vehicles also can tell - at least, its economy is probably in recession. But it could be due to the natural tendencies of the people there. There was a non-capitalistic sense in the air - the feel of being content with what they have already - even at the busiest street of the capital city. On an additional note, there definitely is strong non-Western, exotic elements in the culture. The Russian influence is apparent, of course, but it may also come from the fact that they even speak language that belongs to a different group/tribe than ones of other European languages. (The same one as Hungarian.)

灰色、薄黄色、薄緑、マクドナルド(なぜかそこらじゅうに!ローカルのヘス バーガー、もっとがんばれ〜!)、ピンクの岩と建物、カレワラ(神話です)、アラビア、ムーミン、スオミ(フィンランドの現地での呼び名)、港、半島、東西混合、ブーラ(シナモン ロール)、鮭、コーヒー(薄めでアメリカン風、でも消費量すごし!ヨーロッパ一のコーヒー飲みらしい)、カフェ スオミ(そう、かのかもめ食堂です。おいしかったです)、スメオリンナ島、アカデミア書店、デザイン (アアルト、カイ フランク)、充実の美術館博物館、あったかーい人々
OK, then, the impression of Finland in words:
Gray, pale yellow, pale green, MacDonald (I don't know why, but they were everywhere! I want the local chain Hes Burger to do better!), pink rocks and buildings, Kalewala (mythology), Arabia, Moomin, Suomi (how the locals call their own country), the port, the archipelago, East-meets-West, Vulla (cinnamon roll), salmon, coffee (weak like American coffee, but they drink it a looot! The highest consumption of coffee in Europe, apparently!), Kafe Suomi, Sumeolinna Island, Academia Bookstore, Aalto, Kaj Frank, Amazing art and other museums, incredibly warm people!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Word game : Deep Leap

スクラブル、という言葉ゲーム(与えられた文字をシャッフルして、出来るだけ長い単語をつくるゲームです)を時間制限付きでコンピューター ゲームにしてしまった、というサイトです。単純ですが、病み付きに...
It is like a Scrabble on line. Simple BUT addictive...
Deep Leap: The Fast-Paced Time-Wasting Word Game
Music video for Sansula by Dominik Eulberg
SANSULA Dominik Eulberg musicvideo from dirk rauscher on Vimeo.
Nice! Artsy and nerdy. Just my kind.
太陽の中のスペース シャトル:Space shuttle in the Sun

フランス人天体写真家のThierry Legaultさんが、12日に撮ったスペース シャトル アトランティスの写真です。太陽の横を通り過ぎる瞬間。
Thierry Legault, a French astrophotographer, took this breath-taking photo on the 12th. It's Atlantis passing by the Sun.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Film song : "Plastic Jesus" from Cool Hand Luke
This song from this scene is also very memorable. My dear Mr. Paul Newman sung it in Cool Hand Luke(1967)with a banjo. This movie is definitely one of my favorites - highly recommended! It was made in 1957 as a folk song.
この曲、このシーンも忘れられません。親愛なるポール ニューマン氏が、暴力脱獄 (すごい邦題ですな)こと Cool Hand Luke(1967)でバンジョー片手に唄ってます。本当に些細な事から刑務所に入れられた主人公ルークは、どんなに押さえつけられてもにやっと笑ってクールに理不尽さをかわしていくのですが、権威側は執拗にからみます。だんだんと追いつめられた彼が、こぼれるように唄うのがこの曲。これ、すごくいい映画です。まだの人は、是非!
この曲、このシーンも忘れられません。親愛なるポール ニューマン氏が、暴力脱獄 (すごい邦題ですな)こと Cool Hand Luke(1967)でバンジョー片手に唄ってます。本当に些細な事から刑務所に入れられた主人公ルークは、どんなに押さえつけられてもにやっと笑ってクールに理不尽さをかわしていくのですが、権威側は執拗にからみます。だんだんと追いつめられた彼が、こぼれるように唄うのがこの曲。これ、すごくいい映画です。まだの人は、是非!
Film song : "Moon River" from Breakfast at Tiffany's
そしてもちろん外せないのは、”ティファニーで朝食を” のためにつくられたこの曲です。意識をすっとしてくれるシーンですね。これ、高校などで、ギターの課題に出たりしませんでした?私たちが唄うと、どうもオードリー ヘップバーンのようにはいきませんでした。違う曲に聞こえる。。。
And of course, this one really stays in one's mind. Absorbs your heart. Many of us have tried to play it with a guitar (was a school assignment for me), but no one can sing like Audrey! Made for this movie in 1961.
And of course, this one really stays in one's mind. Absorbs your heart. Many of us have tried to play it with a guitar (was a school assignment for me), but no one can sing like Audrey! Made for this movie in 1961.
Film song : "As Time Goes By" from Casablanca
映画で見た心に残る音楽シーンってありますよね。名画カサブランカに出てくるこの曲は大好きな物の一つです。Dooley Wilsonがジャズで As Time Goes By を歌ってくれます。もとは1931年にブロードウェイ用につくられたらしいです。(映画より11年早いですね。)フランク シナトラをはじめ、何度も歌い直されています...
There are some classic musical moments in movies. One of my favorites is this one from Casablanca. Jazzy "As Time Goes By" by Dooley Wilson. The song was originally made in 1931, 11 years prior to the movie. It was originally a Broadway tune, apparently. Frank Sinatra et al. also sung it nicely...
There are some classic musical moments in movies. One of my favorites is this one from Casablanca. Jazzy "As Time Goes By" by Dooley Wilson. The song was originally made in 1931, 11 years prior to the movie. It was originally a Broadway tune, apparently. Frank Sinatra et al. also sung it nicely...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
教育テレビに魅せられて:Hooked on PBS
I don't have a TV now, but that's a good thing. I can so easily sucked into it and waste a lot of time on couch watching the tube. I am particularly bad about tuning into the education station. That's right, I am a certified nerd...
日本ではNHK 教育大好きですし、アメリカでは公共放送局の PBS(てっとりばやくいうと、アメリカ版 NHK か BBC)にはまっていました。こういうと苦笑いされることもありますが、私は PBS ジャンキーであることを認めるのは、やぶさかではありませぬ。(笑)でも、こんな、まさに PBS の幅の広さをすてきに表現してくれるCMなんてみちゃうと、私の気持ちも分かっていただけるのでは...?
I love the NHK Education channel in Japan, and I got hooked to PBS (the Public Broadcasting Service - the American equivalent of NHK or BBC) in the US. I admit it, I am a PBS junky! Well, but it is not that surprising, after seeing such a great CM that captures the essence of the breadth of the quality programs on that station, is it...?
I don't have a TV now, but that's a good thing. I can so easily sucked into it and waste a lot of time on couch watching the tube. I am particularly bad about tuning into the education station. That's right, I am a certified nerd...
日本ではNHK 教育大好きですし、アメリカでは公共放送局の PBS(てっとりばやくいうと、アメリカ版 NHK か BBC)にはまっていました。こういうと苦笑いされることもありますが、私は PBS ジャンキーであることを認めるのは、やぶさかではありませぬ。(笑)でも、こんな、まさに PBS の幅の広さをすてきに表現してくれるCMなんてみちゃうと、私の気持ちも分かっていただけるのでは...?
I love the NHK Education channel in Japan, and I got hooked to PBS (the Public Broadcasting Service - the American equivalent of NHK or BBC) in the US. I admit it, I am a PBS junky! Well, but it is not that surprising, after seeing such a great CM that captures the essence of the breadth of the quality programs on that station, is it...?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
American Analog Set
ここの所なんだか静かに打たれるリズムに引き込まれます...テキサスはオーティン(州都で大学町、テキサスだけどリベラルです。ミュージック シーンもいいらしい。)出身の American Analog Set から、2曲どうぞ。
I am drown to quiet beating rhythms lately... Here are two songs from American Analog Set. It is a band from Austin, Texas.
I am drown to quiet beating rhythms lately... Here are two songs from American Analog Set. It is a band from Austin, Texas.
The Temper Trap's "Sweet Deposition"
Just heard for the first time - loving it already.
Just heard for the first time - loving it already.
Friday, May 8, 2009
ミラノ家具デザイン見本市:iSaloni 2008 (4)
サロン サテライトでよく目に着いたのは照明器具でした。
I spotted lots of amazing lamps in the Salon Satellite.

This is a modular ceiling lamp; you can change the size or brightness by putting more or fewer units.

デスクの形のランプ。文字通り、デスク ランプ。
This is a desk lamp, yes, literally.

Silk hat lamp.

Origami lamp.

Origami-like geometrical wall lamp. Great ambience.

Such sensitive kirigami lamps! (There are few of them there.)

And my favorite! This lamp is lit by electricity coming from the plant inside! The switch is you - if a human comes close, many plants run a small amount of electric current - this lamp uses it to light up the LED lamp. Concept and design by a student in the Design Academy Eindhoven.
I spotted lots of amazing lamps in the Salon Satellite.

This is a modular ceiling lamp; you can change the size or brightness by putting more or fewer units.

デスクの形のランプ。文字通り、デスク ランプ。
This is a desk lamp, yes, literally.

Silk hat lamp.

Origami lamp.

Origami-like geometrical wall lamp. Great ambience.

Such sensitive kirigami lamps! (There are few of them there.)

And my favorite! This lamp is lit by electricity coming from the plant inside! The switch is you - if a human comes close, many plants run a small amount of electric current - this lamp uses it to light up the LED lamp. Concept and design by a student in the Design Academy Eindhoven.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
TED talk by David Bolinsky: 細胞を観るアニメーション:Amazing visual journey through a cell
CGアニメーターのDavid Bolinskyが、細胞の中を見せるビデオを、分子細胞生物学者とコラボしてつくりました。学生さんに、より分かりやすく細胞の信じられないくらいの複雑さや精密さ、それらからくる美しさ、を感じてもらうためだそうです。こういう情報に日々どっぷりつかっているひとも思わずため息が出てしまう映像です。
CG animator David Bolinsky shows an amazing videos describing how the inside of a cell looks like. He created these in collaboration with cellular and molecular biologists to help students visualize how incredibly complex and precise cells are and feel how beautiful they are altogether. Even people who are immersed in such information every day cannot help absorbed in awe into these images...!
CG animator David Bolinsky shows an amazing videos describing how the inside of a cell looks like. He created these in collaboration with cellular and molecular biologists to help students visualize how incredibly complex and precise cells are and feel how beautiful they are altogether. Even people who are immersed in such information every day cannot help absorbed in awe into these images...!
ミラノ家具デザイン見本市:iSaloni 2008 (3)

The most fun I had at iSaloni last year was definitely at the Satellite exhibition. It is where selected young/new designers can sell their fresh ideas to possible sponsors. Lots of great designs! Below are some of the examples...

A flying bed.

Never underestimate a kitchenette.

An ash tray castle!

6 stools make up a box...

Fish can swim around and around.

The colder nights, the more animals!

Make-your-own-pattern rug!

The ultimate foldable chair.

That's right, lady! She sort of posed for my photo - a good sport!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
衝突する銀河:Galaxy crash

A stunning image from Hubble space telescope. Two galaxies are crashing.
ヨーロッパが分かる地図:Map that explains Europe

うけました。的を得ていると思います。スイスが銀行、アイスランドがビョーク、ケルト海...Artwerk 作。
It made me laugh! The elements of European countries simply put in a map. Switzerland is 'Bank,' Iceland is 'Bjork,' and the Celtic Sea... Well done. Made by Artwerk.
Friday, May 1, 2009
豚インフルエンザ感染地図:Map of Swine Influenza spread
It is amazing to hear that the number of people confirmed to have swine influenza doubled in one day. Is it going to be pandemic...? It seems to have originated in a farm in the US 10 years ago or so, even though this outbreak started in Mexico.

グーグルマップに世界中の感染者を印したサイトがあったのですが、これ以上アップデートができない、と、こちらの Flu Trackerというサイトに移されました。
There was a google map site that showed spread of people with swine flu. This page - Flu Tracker - is the evolved version.
It is amazing to hear that the number of people confirmed to have swine influenza doubled in one day. Is it going to be pandemic...? It seems to have originated in a farm in the US 10 years ago or so, even though this outbreak started in Mexico.

グーグルマップに世界中の感染者を印したサイトがあったのですが、これ以上アップデートができない、と、こちらの Flu Trackerというサイトに移されました。
There was a google map site that showed spread of people with swine flu. This page - Flu Tracker - is the evolved version.
どらえもんのCM : CM with Doraemon
This is a CM made a while ago (how long ago?) by Nissan for its off-road vehicle. You can go to everywhere with it: that's the message, and they featured Doraemon, a character from a popular and long-lasting children's animation show. He is a cat-like machine from the 23rd century, who has all kinds of cool gadgets in his limitless 4D pocket! Dokodemo-Door (Door to everywhere) is one of them - it will let you go to everywhere in the world by simply opening the door. Nissan claimed that this car could be your Dokodemo-Door. Ummmm, well done. I liked this CM so much. Isn't it very cute?
This is a CM made a while ago (how long ago?) by Nissan for its off-road vehicle. You can go to everywhere with it: that's the message, and they featured Doraemon, a character from a popular and long-lasting children's animation show. He is a cat-like machine from the 23rd century, who has all kinds of cool gadgets in his limitless 4D pocket! Dokodemo-Door (Door to everywhere) is one of them - it will let you go to everywhere in the world by simply opening the door. Nissan claimed that this car could be your Dokodemo-Door. Ummmm, well done. I liked this CM so much. Isn't it very cute?
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